Page 51 of Wind Whisperer

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I opened my mouth, ready to swear I could. But once my brain caught up…

A long, awkward silence stretched in which Erin’s eyes bored into me.

“Great,” she finally muttered, turning her glare upon the landscape.

My cheeks burned, and I ground my teeth, wishing I could go back in time and undo all those mistakes.

An owl hooted, telling me,Fat chance, buster.

“Look,” I gritted out. “If I turn out to be a liability, I swear, I will leave this to you. But right now, I’m all you’ve got.”

“I have my sisters,” she shot back fiercely.

I stuck up my hands. “You do. And I’m sure they’re as badass as you…”

Damn right, we are,Erin’s expression said.

“…but unless they’re trained in identifying and containing supernaturals, I’m your best bet. For now, at least.”

Erin’s dour look said she wasn’t convinced.

I shook my head, trying to get the conversation back on track. “Look, you and I aren’t enemies. Harlon is the enemy.”

“And Angelina,” Erin added.

I sighed. “And Angelina.”

For the next few minutes, crickets chirped while we studied the stars.

Finally, Erin sighed, as if resigned to her fate — and to me, her not-good-enough ally.

“So, where do we go from here?” she asked.

Part of me swelled a little, because that implied she trusted me — at least enough to get us started. Another part of me sank. What if her trust was misplaced?

“Harlon is scheduled to leave town tomorrow, right?”

“We can only hope,” Erin muttered.

“That gives us some time to investigate. I could put out some feelers with guys I know in the agency — trustworthy guys.”

She nodded slowly. “I can look into things here in town. Like exactly what Harlon is up to. Maybe I can track down the architect who drafted the plans in his office.”

I nodded, then touched her arm. And,zing!There they went again — those hopeful crackles of energy, like we were on a first date instead of embarking on a potentially lethal venture.

“We have to be careful.Youhave to be careful,” I warned.

Her eyes flashed, and she bared her teeth, making me glad she was on my side. “I’ll make sure Harlon’s the one who has to be careful.”

With that, she stared into the night, wondering, perhaps, what she had just gotten herself into.

Chapter Fourteen


A week passed. Quietly enough to lull a girl into a false sense of security if she wasn’t on guard.

And, boy, was I on guard. I jumped at every shadow and scrutinized every unfamiliar face for any sign of trouble. I watched Nash like a hawk and kept a shotgun by my bedside. I’d even been tempted to research silver bullets. Not something I could pick up at the local ammo supplier.

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