Page 106 of Wind Whisperer

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“Angelina is with him,” I confirmed. I couldn’t see, smell, or hear her, but I could sense Angelina as clearly as she sensed me.

Pippa cursed. “Okay. I’ll get Abby.”

Rejoining Erin on the porch, I stared up the hill — and the dark clouds gathering behind it. In the distance, a bolt of lightning forked across the sky.

“I told you, this ranch isn’t for sale,” Erin barked into the line.

Harlon sighed. “It’s rather difficult to have a civilized conversation on the phone, don’t you think?”

“I’ve made my position perfectly clear.”

Harlon made a tut-tutting sound. “You have, but it’s important to make an informed decision, you know.”

Erin opened her mouth to retort, then froze as a huge, winged shape appeared over the ridgeline.

I lunged forward, ready to shift and fight. But Erin grabbed my arm, shaking her head.

My inner dragon roared as the intruder circled the ranch, then landed on a rocky outcrop to the northeast. It was another dragon — a big brown one that whipped its tail and extended huge wings.

Show-off,I grunted while my dragon raged inside.

Erin flinched as a second dragon appeared and perched on a cliff not far from the first. Clearly, Harlon had brought some hired muscle with him.

The instinct to challenge those rivals made me step forward, but Erin’s touch said more thanwait. She pulled me close, telegraphing,Don’t go. Please.

Her gaze was just as determined as ever, but her hand trembled over mine. I took a deep breath and nodded. Whatever came next, we would face it together.

Erin puffed out a shaky breath, looked at her car, and then back to me. I hesitated, then dipped my head in a nod.

A moment later, she clicked off the phone and stalked to her car.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


My hands shook on the steering wheel as I sped up the rise, my gut roiling in a mix of fear and rage. I’d really,reallyhad enough of Harlon’s bullying.

Vroom!I roared right up to the front grill of Harlon’s fancy Range Rover. Angelina was in the passenger seat, and, oh, the sweet satisfaction of watching her go pale, yell, and brace her arms against the dashboard for impact.

Okay, okay, she was always pale. But I swear, she went even more white.

Harlon remained perfectly calm, which only angered me more. He thought I wouldn’t dare?

I rammed into his bumper. My Chevy was already beat-up, and he had to know I meant business.

I left the vehicle there, bumper to bumper, and slid out coolly.

“Oops,” I said without so much as a sideways glance.

Nash joined me, looking wide-eyed, like Harlon. Good to know I’d impressed them both.

Angelina slid out of the Range Rover, gesticulating. “Are you crazy?”

I shook my head. “No. Just fed up with your games.”

“They’re not games, I assure you,” Harlon growled, as menacing as the clouds swirling behind him.

“No? Then cut the mighty warlock act,” I demanded. “It doesn’t scare me.”

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