Page 41 of Angel Captive

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An hour later, I was clinging to a sheer cliff on the mountain, trying not to fall to my death when a flutter of wings near me sent panic through me. Was it the Angeliminir and they’d come back to attack me, figuring the mountain wasn’t doing the job fast enough.

“Come with us,” a male with dark wings and bronze skin said.

“Where?” I swore if they put me in their prison, I was going to scream.

“Would you rather fall?”

“Who says I’m going to fall?” I gripped the stones under my hands tighter.

“Stop being stubborn. Alva wishes to speak with you.”

I searched my memories, Xaden never mentioned anyone by that name. “Who?”

He sighed. “The elder over our high council.”

“Oh, right,” I said like I just remembered who the hell this person was. “Okay, but if you drop me, I promise you I’ll haunt you for eternity and Xaden will eat your liver.”

“I don’t doubt it.” He chuckled, but the laugh didn’t reach his dark eyes. “I’m Trox.”

“Riley.” I forced a smile.

“The only way for you to pass unharmed through the barrier is with one of the guardians.”

I nodded, understanding that Trox must be one of these special keys.

Effortlessly, Trox lifted me into his arms and we flew up the mountain. Part of me was saddened that my first flight like this was with a stranger and I hadn’t shared the experience with Xaden.

Was he okay?

I couldn’t even voice my question because of my terror of what had happened to him. What if they hadn’t been able to help him in time? What if I’d been too late getting him here?

My stomach churned as Trox set me down in a courtyard dotted with dozens of fruit trees and berry bushes. I wondered which of them was the Arcane ones Xaden had mentioned.

“This way.” Trox led me to huge crystal doors that cranked open when he waved a hand at them.

I was too twisted up inside about Xaden to ask the million questions in the back of my mind of how they did the forcefield and the now opening thick doors.

Inside a throne-like chamber, a regal-looking woman with white hair piled on top of her head sat. She looked to be in her sixties maybe.

I quickly glanced around but found no sign and my heart flopped. But whoever this was, had sparkling white wings, unlike the dark-colored ones I’d seen on the others.

“Greetings. I am Alva.”

Was I supposed to bow or something? I dipped my head low for a moment. “Riley. Where’s Xaden? Is he okay... I want to see him.”

She arched a delicate eyebrow and her sapphire gaze said she was wiser and older than she looked. “You have been thrice blessed, Riley.”

“Thanks?” I wasn’t sure what she was talking about and then my hand involuntarily went to my stomach.

“Did Xaden tell you about the Angeliminirs' second gift?”

“No,” I answered honestly. Would Xaden’s younger brother get in trouble if I said that he’d told me? “I kinda figured it out on my own.”

Her smile warmed me all over and I felt like she was a woman of honor and justice. “Since you carry three amazing children, you will need to be prepared.”

I didn’t want to fail my babies or Xaden and his people. “I will do whatever I can.”

“I know you will.” She paused. “While you are pregnant, you will have traces of their second abilities. Which could be anything from being able to speak to animals, to finding water in a desert, to healing others.”

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