Page 28 of Angel Captive

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My lungs screamed for air as the hexad hung out right on the other side of the bolder. I squeezed my eyes shut, willing them to keep walking, but I was going to have to inhale soon. They were too close; they’d hear me if I breathed.

Please go, please go.

My lungs spasmed in their demand for air. Why weren’t the guards leaving?

As slowly and as softly as I could, I took a shallow inhale.

The guard that had looked my way swung his head back in my direction again.

Oh, God, oh, God…he’s going to see me.

One of the guards slapped him on the shoulder laughing, and he turned back with a growl, pushing him off.

Another guard said something and after a few more words, the troop finally moved on and I gasped for air. I snuck around the column and down the corridor. It wound in a circular pattern and after a few more near misses, I came to another column.

Where was the stairwell?

Had I not gone far enough? Sweat beaded along the back of my neck. Every second I was out here was another that the Roulex would find me.

I brushed past a double row of cell doors. People crying out for help. I couldn’t do anything for them right now.

“Riley?” a familiar female voice said.

I paused, looking right and left.

“Over here.”

Chills raced down my back as I cautiously turned around. Standing behind bars was Melody in a prison uniform.


She nodded furiously, reaching out her hand through the bar for me. “Oh, my God, Riley, I thought I’d never see you again.”

I rushed up to the bars. “What are you doing here?” From what Xaden had told me, they only wanted females who could breed. Why bring her here then?

“Same as you. I was drugged and woke up in this cell.”

As she spoke, a waft of rotten fish permeated the air, and I crinkled my nose. Must be because neither of us probably had a shower since we arrived.

“We’ve got to get you out.”

“How? How did you get out?” she asked, her mouth drawing into a frown.

“You know, all the geeky stuff I try to talk to you about and you say is boring.” I moved over to the access panel. Since I was on this side of the bars and not locked inside, I could reach it easily. I pried off the front panel, wishing I had my tools, but I’d work with what I had. I fished my fingers into the device, pulling out the different colored wires.

One opened the doors and I sure as hell didn’t want to accidentally trigger the alarm again like I had on mine and Xaden’s cell.Was he okay?I shook my head. I had to get Melody out, then I could send her for help while I doubled back and save Xaden.

“Hurry, Riley, whatever you’re going to do, do it quick. The guards could return at any moment.”

I twisted one of the wires, following it back to its source. This must trigger the alarm. I tried another which was a coaxis like the elevator, but I couldn’t count on the wiring to be the same everywhere. They could be different colors or on different servers or any number of things. It’s what I would do if I had done the security of this prison.

I had confidently assumed I knew how to deal with the electronic devices in this place and had made a mistake. It wouldn’t happen again.

My hands shook as I checked the last wire. Yup, this should access the door. I yanked on it hard, ripping the wire away from the inside panel.

“What are you doing?” she hissed.

“Getting you out.” I touched the wire to the opposite connection, a sharp sting from the electricity zapped me. I gritted my teeth and moved aside the wires I didn’t need and tried again.

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