Page 37 of My Vampire Plus-One

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am between jobs at the moment.

I think I know that YouTube channel. does she have a dog & a bearded boyfriend & a shotgun she carries in case she comes across a polar bear or walrus? Fascinating channel. I like to watch it when I can’t sleep. though living that close to the North Pole—can’t say I see the appeal. nonstop sunlight 4 months out of every year seems like no way to live (though I think the 4-month-long nights would be passably okay)

hadn’t meant to be funny with the dragon comment. But if I made you laugh that’s a good thing. I’m sorry you hadn’t laughed in “ages” beforehand. (That, too, seems like no way to live.)


From: Amelia Collins ([email protected])

To: Reginald Cleaves ([email protected])

Subject: Stuff we will tell my family


You’re between jobs? Does that mean you aren’t working right now? (It’s totally okay if you’re not working, I just wanted to clarify.)

Regarding the island close to the North Pole, I’m sure the second I got up there I’d agree that being in such a cold place was more trouble than it was worth. But right now, being thousands of miles away from my real life in a place where none of it could catch up with me sounds divine.

From: Reginald Cleaves ([email protected])

To: Amelia Collins ([email protected])

Subject: Stuff we will tell my family

No, I admit I haven’t worked in quite some time.

And as to your last point, we agree.



Excerpt from R.C.’s bullet journal: Day 4; written in alternating shades of blue, red, and green ink

Mission statement:To live each day with courage, compassion, and curiosity. To become a better version of myself each day and inspire others in my path to do the same.To not make fool of self at dinner party.

Feelings: Anxious about tonight. Which isSTUPID.What does it matter if Amelia likes how I look (it DOESN’T matter).

To-do list:

Review “relationship details” established over email

Investigate online bullet journaling resources. Am finding this surprisingly fun and therapeutic (and it’s been centuries since I’ve indulged these kinds of creative impulses). Maybe there are others out there who can swap ideas with me?


Nothing in my closet seemedright for Aunt Sue’s dinner.

I had suits, slacks, and blouses for work. Workout clothes for the gym, and jeans and T-shirts that I wore around the house and to the farmers market on the Saturdays I could manage to get out of bed early enough. I had a couple of sexy tops I got for a girls’ weekend in Vegas years ago that were missing some of their sequins and didn’t fit anymore, and three different bridesmaid dresses I’d worn to various weddings over the past few years that I hadn’t gotten around to taking to Goodwill.

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