Page 36 of My Vampire Plus-One

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can honestly say no one has ever called me a lifesaver before. Happy to help.

you know your family better than I do (I don’t know them at all) and am happy to go along w/ w/e you want to tell them about backstory. I don’t really know what “working in tech” is but am happy to pretend.

also, encanto’s AND second city is a typical date for you?? your past boyfriends must have had a lot of $$$. (Are you sure we can’t tell them our 1st date involved me saving you from a fire breathing dragon instead of fucking ENCANTO’s?)

seriously though looks fine. also, should we exchange a few personal details so it seems like we know at least a little about each other?

some miscellany about me:

fave color—red

fave musical act from the past century—David Bowie

fave tv show—the original Muppet Show is the best fucking television program in history (I know less about Sesame Street but feel I should rectify that soon)


ps: what are some things someone who’s been dating u for 6 wks would know?


From: Amelia Collins ([email protected])

To: Reginald Cleaves ([email protected])

Subject: Stuff we will tell my family


Okay—your joke about the fire breathing dragon made me laugh for the first time in ages. Thank you for that.

Things someone I am dating would know about me:

1. My favorite color is blue (any shade)

2. My favorite dessert is a tie between pancakes and anything with chocolate

3. My favorite way to destress is to watch YouTube videos of this woman who lives on an island close to the North Pole

4. My dream vacation would be any place that doesn’t have email


ps: As for my past boyfriends having a lot of money, I didn’t say thatEncanto’sand Second City were atypicalfirst date; I only said they’d be aplausibleone. I haven’t had enough past boyfriends for there to be any trends.

(Also, what do you do for work? You know what I do, but I don’t know what you do, and that’s something a girlfriend would definitely know.)


From: Reginald Cleaves ([email protected])

To: Amelia Collins ([email protected])

Subject: Stuff we will tell my family


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