Page 21 of My Vampire Plus-One

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Mission statement:To live each day with courage, compassion, and curiosity. To become a better version of myself each day and inspire others in my path to do the same.


Distracted. (I came to this coffee shop to try and bullet journal my way back to executive functioning, or whatever that dumb bullet journaling site called it, but Amelia Collins and her friend are inexplicably HERE? And STARING at me?)

Confused. (How in this city of millions have A.C. and I crossed paths TWICE in 24 HOURS?!And why is she checking me out?)

To-do list:

Ignore A.C.

Focus on decoy magazine I nicked from gangly-looking teen on my way here (The Collective won’t be looking for someone wearing boring Frederick-clothes and reading a magazine about dragons and their dungeons) and on bullet journal.

Okay, she looks like she’s trying to decide whether to come talk to me. She looks nervous. I see none of the fierce determination I saw in her the other night.(Hades, she’s pretty. I’ve been so distracted by everything else I’d forgotten just how pretty she is.)

Okay okay yeah, she actually IS coming over to talk to me, shit, SHIT, more soon


When I got to theguy’s table, I dug my fingernails into the meat of my palm, willing the pinch to ground me.

He hastily slammed shut the notebook he’d been writing in and set it to the side. Then he fixed me with those startling bright blue eyes. “Um. Hello?”

I hesitated, teeth worrying at my bottom lip. “I need a favor.” I hated how small and nervous I sounded. Too late to back out now, though. I pulled out the chair across from his and sat down.

His eyes widened in surprise. “You need a favor?”

I gathered my courage as he continued to gaze at me. Up close, I couldn’t even lie to myself and pretend he wasunattractive. I reminded myself that that didn’t matter. All that mattered was that he said yes.

“I do,” I confirmed.

He leaned back in his chair and folded his arms across his chest. “I don’t usually do favors for people.”

His voice dripped with condescension. I stared at him, astounded that someone reading a literal dragon magazine could sound so cocky.

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