Page 102 of My Vampire Plus-One

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Feelings: Justso much happiness. I cannot clearly remember anything about my life before turning, but I know I haven’t felt this giddy, thislight, in at least that long. It feels like I should beFRIGHTENEDby this. But I am anything but scared.


I woke up the nextmorning with the sun blazing through my window. I groaned and made to pull my pillow over my head.


I froze, and grinned sheepishly when I realized my head was not resting on a pillow, but rather on Reggie’s chest.


“You should be sorry,” he said in mock chastisement, his voice thick with sleep. He didn’t look upset, though. His dirty-blond hair was an utter wreck from all the pulling on it I did last night, and the beatific smile on his face…

I had seen Reggie smile dozens of times by that point. His smile was a mask he wore. He smiled when he was sad, he smiled when he was anxious, or when he was playing a practical joke to deflect.

This smile, though, reached all the way to his eyes, making them crinkle at the corners. This was arealsmile. In that moment, he looked happier, and more relaxed, than I’d ever seen him.

I tried to crane my neck so I could see out the window and gauge what time it must be from the position of the sun in the sky. Moving too much was difficult, though; Reggie seemed entirely disinterested in loosening his tight embrace.

I noticed that my blinds were not covering my window at all. I grimaced. “Shit. I must’ve forgotten to close the blinds before we…um.”

Reggie pulled me closer, encouraging me to continue using his chest as a vampiric pillow. “Before we what?”

I could feel him smiling against the top of my head. I startedblushing, which was ridiculous, given what we had done to each other in this bed last night, and the fact that we were stark naked in here and snuggling.

“You know what.”

“I do,” he agreed. “But I would very much like to hear your version of events.”

His tone was light and playful, but with an undercurrent of heat that was unmistakable. The massive erection poking me in the ass was unmistakable, too.

I grinned, letting my hand slide down his torso until it rested lightly on his cock. It twitched satisfyingly against my fingertips.

“You are insatiable, aren’t you?” I teased.

“Absolutely.” He covered my hand with his own, encouraging me to speed up my movements. “Now, tell me all about how I gave you the best orgasms of your life last night, and about how good it felt to suck my cock.”

I laughed, and pulled my hand away, swatting him playfully on the chest. “Later,” I said. Truthfully, I would have loved nothing more than to spend the rest of the morning with Reggie. But I had too much to do to linger in bed. “I have important work to do.”

“I’mimportant work,” Reggie pouted. He tried to pull me against him again, but I was faster, and slid out of bed before he could catch me.

“You are,” I agreed, laughing. “And I’lldo youafter I do my other work. I promise.” I pretended to ignore his lascivious wink and pulled on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. “But I have a meeting with this nightmare of a client this morning and I can’t be late for it. Also, Frederick gave me a few potential leads that might help us track down The Collective before they can find you. I want to look into them right away in case they can help.”

Reggie’s demeanor grew serious at once. “A lead?” He sat up in bed, the blankets pooling around his waist. I let my eyes linger on the contours of his gorgeous body for longer than I probably should have. Did all vampires come with great abs? Or was Reggie a special case? “What is it?”

I grabbed my brush off my dresser and began running it through my tangled hair. “Two potential leads, actually. Though they may both be red herrings.”

“I’m all ears.”

I smiled at him. “Okay. So, first, Frederick’s heard The Collective mentioned in connection with a rash of blood bank break-ins that coincide with stadium concerts around the country. Second, he told me The Collective runs some sort of nonprofit organization. I obviously have no experience handling vampires—”

“Oh, I beg to differ,” Reggie cut in, waggling his eyebrows. “You handlemejust fine.”

“Um. Thank you,” I said, face heating at the innuendo. “What I was about to say, though, was that while I’m new to vampires, I’m great at researching nonprofits. I may be able to triangulate where The Collective is right now based on where the most recent blood-bank-break-in-slash-stadium-concert happened. Failing that, if The Collective’s nonprofit is recognized by the federal government, I might be able to find some picky state, local, or federal tax regulation that could trip them up with the IRS.”

His eyes went wide. “I didn’t understand a word of that. But please, keep going.”

I paused, unsure how much detail I could give Reggie without boring him. When he only looked at me with rapt attention, I continued. “If The Collective has 501(c)(3) status, I’ll need access to my firm’s GuideStar account, but if The Collective’s been sloppy about their reporting requirements…”

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