Page 101 of My Vampire Plus-One

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“Amelia,” he cried out. “Please. If you don’t want me to—if you don’t want it, I can’t—please, don’t—”

His body was taut as a bowstring as he moved above me, all muscle and sinew and bone. “Tell me.” I slid my hands down his backside, then squeezed his ass, trying to pull him deeper inside. “Tell me where.”

The noise he made was desperate. Broken.

“If I bit you,” he breathed, “I would do it—” He abruptly stopped moving. I could feel the tension in his body and every ounce of self-control he was using in this moment to hold himself still. He gently pushed my hair away from the side of my face and gazed at my bare neck as though it held the secret to his happiness. “I would bite you right here.”

He pressed two shaking fingers to my pulse point. I could all but feel the flow of blood through my veins with every beat of my heart. His eyes on me were feral.Hungry.

An image of him biting me, mouth suckling at the wound, flashed unbidden behind my eyelids. I cried out, body clenchingaround him,hard. I didn’t know why the thought of him biting me turned me on. Maybe it was the idea that letting him do it would be the ultimate act of letting go.

“Would it feel good?” I asked. Even though I knew it would. I couldsenseit. I tensed up again, on purpose this time. Squeezing him. I watched as his eyes rolled back in his head, as he warred with what little remained of his restraint. “Would it feel good if you bit me?”

He opened his eyes and stared directly into mine. “It would feel good for both of us. My venom, it’s—” He bit off the rest of what he was about to say. Shook his head. “It would make you feel good. And I’d come. Immediately.” His voice was like sandpaper on stone, eyes boring into mine. “I’d comehard. Coming with the taste of blood in my mouth is—it’s just—you haveno idea, Amelia—”

“Then do it,” I said. I reached up and drew lazy circles at the place on my neck he’d just touched. He stared at my fingertips as they moved, unable to look away. And then, because he seemed to need to hear it: “I want you to do it.”

He whimpered. Squeezed his eyes shut tight.

It happened so fast I hardly saw it. One moment Reggie was above me, incoherent with need. The next, I was crying out at the unexpected pleasure of being bitten. I was making love to an animal in that moment, all vestiges of the man Reginald was most of the time lost to the creature kissing and suckling at the shallow puncture wounds he’d made in my neck. Why didn’t it hurt? Why did itfeel good, when he bit me? The pleasure from his bite raced down my spine, straight to my cunt, amplifying my need to a nearly unbearable degree. Making me insatiable. When my next orgasm crashed over me, I ran straight into the blissful release, the waves of pleasure wiping my mind of everything but him.

When I returned to myself, Reggie was groaning, fucking me so hard and so desperately I was going to have trouble walking for a week. “So beautiful, so sweet,” he moaned, mouth coated red with me. He was nearing his breaking point; I could feel in the way his thrusts were becoming chaotic, frantic. I could hear it in the fevered pitch of his words. “I knewit. Knew you’d taste so good, I never want to leave you, want you, I—you aremine.”

I felt, more than heard, the sound he made when he came. His hips stuttered up hard once, and again, and then his body went rigid above me, back bent in an exaggerated arc as he spilled himself. His eyes were unseeing, glassy with pleasure. I’d never seen anything more beautiful in my life.

His body felt like two hundred pounds of dead weight when he collapsed on top of me a moment later, heavy and immovable as lead. He sighed, his cool breath tickling the little hairs at the nape of my neck.

“I hope,” he said, after what felt like an eternity, “that that felt even half as good for you as it did for me.” He rolled off me, wincing a little as he withdrew from my body.

“I would hope the two orgasms you gave me would have given you some clue,” I teased. He chuckled, then propped himself up on one elbow so he could look at the wounds he’d made on my neck. I touched them, marveling when I realized the little holes were already closing up.

“Did I hurt you?” He leaned in closer, pressing a chaste kiss to the healing skin.

I shook my head. “No. It felt…” I trailed off, not sure how to put how it felt into words. Then I decided to just come out with it. “It’s like you said. It feltgood. Why?”

He sighed, then gathered me into his arms. I went willingly, letting him roll us both over until my head was pillowed on hischest. His flesh was firm and cool beneath my cheek. “If our bite is painful to our victims, then it’s ultimately self-defeating.” He sounded almost embarrassed by the admission. He craned his neck so he could look into my eyes before continuing. “Our venom is sort of an aphrodisiac. So it can feel good for our victims, too.”

When we suck them dry, he didn’t say.

I shuddered at the implication that Reggie may have once used this power to subdue, and seduce, his victims. To get them to offer themselves up to him willingly. Even eagerly. Then again, I’d been the one who asked him to bite me in the first place.

“I’ll never do that without your consent,” he added. “I haven’t been that sort of monster in many years.” He leaned in close and pressed a gentle kiss to the top of my head. “We never have to do it again if you don’t want to.”

“I want to,” I said, hurriedly. Before I could talk myself out of it. Because as ridiculous as it sounded, it was the truth. It feltgood, having his teeth in my neck. Knowing that my blood made him feel pleasure in return. “Maybe not every day, or anything. But like—”

“Special occasions?” he suggested. “Birthdays, perhaps? Anniversaries, promotions at work?”

I stifled a laugh against his bare chest. Were we really discussing this? Joking about it? A potential future together, where we had regular sex and maybe sometimes added in a little biting to go along with it? It was as delicious a thought as it was impossible to grasp.

“Special occasions,” I agreed. “That sounds good to me.”


A note, hastily scrawled in black ink at the bottom of a yellow lined sheet of paper

Thoughts to be transferred to bullet journal later (Will have to make this v. quick—am at A’s apartment but she’s still asleep and don’t want to miss being there to curl around her body while she sleeps & kiss her hair):

Mission Statement: To be by A’s side for as long as she’ll have me

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