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She leans away from me, snatching up a slice of pizza from the table. She takes a huge bite and moans softly. “Amazing.”

“God.” I wipe at my eyes once more, ignoring the sensitive burn of my raw eyelids against the fabric of my sweater. “This has been insane, and I have my dad’s birthday this weekend with the party and everything.”

“Maybe some time away will do you some good,” Ana says matter-of-factly. “You like all that nature shit, right? Maybe it’s the disconnect you need.”

“Yeah, I like all that nature shit.” I chuckle weakly. “Ana?”


“You don’t think I’m a whore?”

“No, honey,” Ana laughs, pressing a greasy kiss to my temple. “You’re living your life and I love that for you.”

Her words bring me more comfort than I can express. I lean into her and tuck my legs up while my attention drifts.

Ana’s right. Once I suffer through the party, it’ll be time for the cabin, and then I’ll be surrounded by nature.

That’ll be the best way to chase away the shadow from that night.

I hope.



“Hey, Asher. Are you done for the day?” The receptionist accepts my folder and offers the tray for my borrowed camera.

“Shooting, yes. I might take a wander through the studio and see who else is open though.” This studio takes privacy very seriously but every so often, other photographers open up their rooms to observers. It’s a great way to learn and to get tips on different angles or lighting ideas that might not come naturally, so whenever I have the chance, I take it.

“Sure thing.” She smiles at me, then taps the black book on the counter. “Just don’t forget to sign out when you leave.”

“Will do.” With a smile, I move past her desk and head down the hall. Luckily, the woman who nearly walked in on me and Emma isn’t working today or that exchange could have been a lot more awkward.


What a woman. One taste of her and I’ve been hooked. The fact that she’s a student at the college where I work hasn’t done anything to dampen my desire for her. If anything, knowing she’s on the same campus as me adds a layer of excitement and yearning, forever hoping I will bump into her. Especially this week since I heard through the grapevine that she’s been having a rough week. She’s ultimately who I look for as I wander the studio, peeking into each room that’s allowing visitors today.

I can’t get my mind off her, and the urge to help her take her mind off things, or give her a comforting ear, rises. I barely know her and yet I want to. I want to know everything about her, every detail that makes her tick.

Luck is on my side as I head down the far corridor and spot Emma walking out of one of the rooms with her camera in hand. Her focus is down on the device, and her short hair creates a soft curtain around her face, making only the edge of her dark glasses visible. I study her, from her ample chest down to her curvy waist and that gorgeous ass. By the time I reach her, my attention is back on her face.


Her head snaps up and tired eyes relax the moment she spots me. A bright smile stretches across her ruby-red lips. “Well, hey there.”

“Camera troubles?”

“Maybe.” Her nose scrunches up, making her glasses rise slightly. “The shutter is stuck and making the exposure far too long on my pictures. It would be alright if I wanted every picture to look like there was a ghost in the background.”

“Want me to take a look?”

“Sure.” She offers me the camera with a tired sigh. “I’ve tried everything.”

Taking her camera, I begin to fiddle with the switch and the shutter, but my attention mainly remains on her. “How are you doing?”

Emma shrugs one shoulder. “Fine. Same old, y’know?”

It’s a very non-answer and I want to dive deeper. I want to be there for her, somehow. “I’ve been thinking about you.”

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