Page 90 of Tamed

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“Because she still loves me,” Michael said with a smirk that didn’t quite reach his eyes.

“If she did, she’d put a stop to the wedding. I have no idea why I fell for Erika. I was perfectly happy with one-night stands—no fucking entanglements, and my life was great,” I said, the bitterness in my voice undeniable.

“Was it, dear brother? You fell for Erika because it was time,” Michael said, his tone softer now.

“I fell for her because I couldn’t stop myself. Now my life is shit,” I admitted, the weight of the past week pressing down on me like a lead blanket.

“You look tired,” Michael observed, his eyes narrowing as he studied my face.

I didn’t need a mirror to know I looked like hell. The dark circles under my eyes were evidence enough of the sleepless nights I’d spent alone, the empty bed a constant reminder of the only woman I’d ever loved, and the fact that she now hated me.

“I haven’t been sleeping. Alcohol helps,” I muttered, the ice clinking in my glass as I swirled it around.

“But it’s not a solution,” Michael replied, his voice carrying a note of concern.

“How do you do it?” I asked, leaning back in my chair, feeling the heat of the sun pressing down on me.

We fell silent as the waiter approached with our meals. I opted for a simple Cobb salad, but even that looked unappetizing. Michael, ever the health-conscious one, ordered poached salmon with asparagus. The contrast in our plates mirrored the difference in our states of mind.

“Do what?” Michael asked after the waiter left, spearing a piece of salmon with his fork.

“Deal with the loss,” I said, my voice low.

“I have no choice. Morgan made her decision,” he replied, his tone flat.

“Will you ever start dating again?” I asked, more curious than I cared to admit.

“Maybe, but not now. I have hope.”

“Hope for what?” I scoffed, unable to hide my skepticism. “She’s getting married.”

“It won’t last, or she’ll come to her senses,” Michael insisted, his expression stubborn.

“You might be alone for a long time if that’s what you’re waiting for. Erika told me Morgan is excited to marry,” I said, trying to inject some reality into his fantasy.

“She might be excited, but it will wear off once she realizes I’m the right man for her,” Michael said, his certainty unshakable.

I groaned, rubbing my temple. “Can we get back to my problem?”

“From what you told me, you displayed signs of becoming Erika’s father. You overreacted,” Michael said, his voice matter-of-fact.

“With good reason,” I grumbled, pushing my salad around the plate, barely interested in eating.

“You can worry, but you said something you shouldn’t have. She’s hurt and probably worried you’ll turn into her father. You said she was gun-shy about marriage and relationships. You just confirmed her fears,” Michael pointed out, his gaze steady.

I sighed, the weight of his words sinking in. “She won’t let me make it right. I want to make it right. I’m miserable without her. Maybe we don’t belong together. We both have strong personalities.”

“Relationships are a compromise,” Michael said, leaning forward. “You’ve never had one before, and this is a learning experience.”

“But Erika won’t give me a chance,” I reiterated, feeling the frustration building up again.

“She gave you a chance, and you fucked it up,” Michael said bluntly.

“I need as many as it takes to make it right. Everything else is secondary. I didn’t even care about the showing I had this morning,” I admitted, a bitter laugh escaping my lips.

Michael raised his eyebrows, genuinely surprised. “You didn’t care about potential money? Now I’m surprised.”

“Don’t be. Erika is all I care about. I have to attend an open house tomorrow, and I’m not in any mood to spend my Saturday morning touring an apartment,” I said, finishing off my drink in one long swallow.

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