Page 147 of Tamed

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“Of course. Do you need help getting undressed?” I asked, though I knew it would lead to more playful banter.

“I thought you said no sex,” she said, raising an eyebrow.

“I’m ignoring you,” I said with a grin, heading towards the oversized bathroom.

The bathroom was a luxury—the huge glass-enclosed shower with sleek black tiles, the solid onyx granite vanity, and the oval-shaped tub that could easily accommodate four people. I flexed in the mirror as I turned on the water, the tub beginning to fill.

I couldn’t help but feel a surge of excitement at the thought of proposing to Erika. But tonight, my priority was making her comfortable and helping her recover. I poured the vanilla bath beads into the water, watching them dissolve as I prepared for the evening’s unexpected turn.

As it turned out, Valentine’s Day presented the perfect moment for me to propose to Erika. Since our New Year’s mishap, she’d been more affectionate and thoughtful, and it seemed she’d finally grasped how deeply I cared for her. Taking care of her when she was sick had only solidified my commitment to being the best partner I could be. It was clear to me now that I wasn’t there to become her father but to be her equal in every way.

Meeting her parents had been an eye-opener. Her father, a relic of outdated views, had a knack for being dismissive. His first comments at dinner were about Erika’s choice of dress and the way her hair was styled in a French braid. It didn’t take long for me to see why Erika had reservations about marriage. I had no intention of becoming like him.

Her mother, on the other hand, was a beautiful and charming woman—a striking resemblance to Erika. Yet, she spent most of our time together trying to manipulate everyone around her, including the staff at the restaurant. I couldn’t blame Erika for feeling the way she did; growing up with parents like that must have been challenging. I made a silent vow to never be like them, to ensure I wouldn’t add to her burdens.

Erika and my mother had developed a close bond, one that I cherished. They often met for lunch or coffee when their schedules allowed, and Erika had become a regular at our Sunday brunches unless we were caught up in work.

Keeping my Valentine’s Day plans a secret had been excruciating. I was set to take Erika to the Empire State Building and propose. Before that, I had a reservation at Savoureax, a spot I knew she loved. Unfortunately, a last-minute showing for Erika at 6:30 meant I’d have to meet her at the restaurant.

The day had been relatively light for me. Two client showings and a negotiation that wrapped up faster than expected left me with some free time. The apartment sold for just under a million, a little less than usual, but it still brought in a respectable commission. I used the extra hours to buy Erika’s favorite decadent chocolate cake and two dozen red roses. Every few minutes, I found myself checking the hiding spot for the engagement ring, making sure it was still there, still perfect.

As I drove to the restaurant, I could barely contain my excitement. I was ready to start this new chapter with Erika, one that promised to be far better than anything we’d left behind.

Erika was late to dinner, leaving me surrounded by couples lost in their Valentine’s Day bubble. They shared intimate glances and tender touches, while I tried to ease my growing unease with a glass of scotch on the rocks. By the time she arrived, I had nearly finished my first drink.

Erika entered, her cheeks flushed from the February chill. My heart skipped a beat as I took in her wavy golden hair, slightly tousled by the wind. She slid into the chair opposite me, her smile warm despite the cold.

“Scotch, Elliott?” she asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

“You’re late,” I remarked, trying to keep my tone light despite the knot of anxiety in my chest.

“Client was a pain in the ass,” she said with a weary sigh as she settled in. “Wanted to see the closets six times over.”

“Did you make the sale?” I asked, leaning forward with interest.

She shook her head, her disappointment evident. “Probably not. Clients like him want to see twenty properties before they choose. Did you really think I’d stand you up?”

“Of course not,” I said, my gaze lingering on her. “You look fantastic.”

She glanced down at her burgundy jersey dress with a self-deprecating smile. “This old thing?”

“You know you look amazing,” I said, trying to hide my frustration that the neckline was too high to reveal her cleavage. “What’s good to eat here?”

“Everything. You know that.” She took a sip of her champagne, her eyes thoughtful. “I’m craving a steak with rosemary roasted potatoes and creamed spinach.”

I raised an eyebrow in surprise. “You? Creamed spinach?”

“It’s cold and I need something nourishing,” she explained, rubbing her arms for warmth.

Reaching across the table, I gently stroked her chilled skin. Her eyes fluttered shut, and her long eyelashes cast delicate shadows on her cheeks. The sight almost made me want to propose right then and there.

“Oh,” she said suddenly, her eyes opening with a start. “I have a gift for you.”

I was caught off guard. “Gifts weren’t necessary. You are my gift.”

Erika chuckled softly. “So practical, Elliott.” She reached into her purse and pulled out a sleek black ring box. “Open it.”

I took the box, bewildered. “What’s this?”

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