Page 100 of Tamed

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“I just want you to be happy,” I said, my voice softening.

“What about you?” Morgan countered, her gaze shifting to me.

“I’m happy,” I said, though doubt laced my words. “But Lincoln is pushing me for a major commitment.”

“Sounds like an Elliott,” Morgan said with a hint of a smile.

“There is something about him,” I said, trailing off. “He reminds me…”

Morgan finished my thought, “Of him? Have you told Lincoln about Foster?”

Christ. Foster Black was my past. Our love was intense, and he hurt me. It added to the already open wound from my parents’ relationship. He tore my heart to shreds, and it took me a long time to recover and I’m not sure if I ever got over him. I just put him out of my mind.

“No,” I said quickly, my voice firm. “And I won’t. It was a long time ago and a mistake.”

“But it was part of your history,” she said gently. “Don’t you want to share that with him?”

“It was fleeting and irrelevant now,” I insisted. “I don’t want to dredge it up.”

“Do you know where he is?” Morgan asked, her curiosity piqued.

“I haven’t the slightest idea,” I said, a shiver running down my spine. “If I stayed with him, he would’ve ruined me.”

“Not all men are like him,” Morgan said reassuringly. “Lincoln doesn’t seem like Foster.”

“In some respects, he is,” I said, my voice low. “He’s possessive and pushy.”

“Lincoln loves you,” Morgan said with certainty. “It’s not hard to love you.”

I leaned my head on her shoulder, feeling the comfort of her presence. Thinking about my past always made me sick. I had been young and naive when Foster came along and Morgan was the one who got me through the breakup.

“I know he does,” I said quietly, “but there’s always that small blinking light in the back of my mind telling me to be careful.”

“It will go away once you find the right man,” Morgan said confidently.

“Is there such a thing?” I asked, doubt coloring my voice.

“I’m sure there is, since I found him,” she said with a hopeful smile.

“You found two of them,” I replied, a teasing note in my voice. “Michael is wonderful, too.”

“You don’t know him,” she said, shaking her head.

“I know him enough through Lincoln,” I said with a shrug.

Morgan sighed, standing up and adjusting her dress. “We should get moving. Jane and Sandra are meeting us at Surge.”

“Cecily isn’t coming?” I asked, trying to shift my focus.

“She has a late meeting. It is Thursday, you know,” Morgan said with a knowing glance.

“I’m aware,” I said, grabbing my purse.

Jane and Sandra were old friends from high school, and Cecily had shared a suite with us during our first two years of college. All of us were in Morgan’s bridal party. As we finished our makeup, I decided to put my hair up, realizing it would be more practical for dancing. I hadn’t been to Surge since I met Lincoln there, and I was eager to let loose and dance again.



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