Page 72 of Betrayed By Love

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“We still have a couple of hours. I need to take a shower.”

“Then do so. I’ve been up since six.”

“Only you.”

Foster glares. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means even when you have a day off, you get up early.”

“I’m on a schedule. I woke up early to work out. You should join me sometime.”

“I work out at night.”

“Morning workouts are better.”

“For you, maybe. I would fall asleep on the treadmill.”

“That would be interesting.”

Foster’s cell rings, and he fishes it out of the back pocket of his black jeans while heading to his office. I take a few more sips of coffee while paging to the announcement section of The Times, where there are several marriage and engagement announcements posted. Maybe one day, I will be one of the smiling couples with a blurb about who I am and who I am marrying. One day.

“You look beautiful in that dress,” Foster compliments. We are on our way to Zane and Lana’s apartment.

“I like yellow. I just wish it were warmer.” I tug at the hem of my dress, which rides up when I slide into the seat, exposing more of my legs. Foster’s gaze fixes on my thighs until he sees me looking and turns away toward the window.

“What should I know?” he asks, turning back to me.

“Nothing. Remember, my nephews’ names are Charles and Wade.”

“I don’t get along well with babies.”

I roll my eyes. “No one is asking you to take care of them. Just remember their names. Is that too much to ask?”

“Cut me some slack, Paige. This is all new to me.”

“You only have to be tortured for another few months; then, you can climb back into your cave.”

“I didn’t say it was torture; I said it was new. Family is new to me. You see how brunches are at my parents.”

“Yes, I do. I feel like a specimen in a jar when your father is around. The only thing that makes it palatable is your mother. I love her.”

“She’s very fond of you.”

“I hate to think what our divorce will do to her.”

“Don’t bring it up; I hate to think about it too. It’s the only regret I have about our marriage ending.”

“That’s the only regret?” As tears sting my eyes, I glance away. I thought he would at least miss me, but I guess I don’t matter to him.

Foster touches my arm. “Paige, I’m sorry. That didn’t come out like I wanted it to.”

I sniffle. “I don’t care. You made it clear what this is. Don’t confuse me with requests for any more kisses.”

“I…, it was very pleasant.”

“Foster, stop talking.”

He obeys me and starts to type on his phone. We arrive at my brother’s building a couple of minutes later. As soon as we stop, I don’t wait for Peters to open the door. I step out and hurry into the lobby. I can’t get to people who love me fast enough. Foster says nothing as the elevator ascends to the fifteenth floor, but he places his hand on my back as we head down the hall. I let it go, knocking on the door.

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