Page 148 of Betrayed By Love

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“Your fake marriage is back on?” he eventually asks.

Foster sighs. “Hear me out. I want to explain.”

Zane crosses his arms, and Lana rubs his thigh as if to relax him. “Can’t wait to hear this bullshit. Go.”

“I love Paige. I’ve been miserable without her.”

“You fucking paid my sister to marry you! How fucked up is that?”

I grip Foster’s hand as I wait for him to tell my family the truth. “I did pay her, but I loved her at the time she married me.”

“What’s not to love?” Zane growls rhetorically. “You better start explaining before I throw you out of here.”

Foster focuses on my hand around his. “I’ve loved her since she started at Black Industries. I handled it all wrong. Everything.”

“You paid her to marry you so you could keep your company. Now you’re telling us you were in love with her?”

“Let me start from the beginning.” Foster clears his throat. “The contract was fake.”

Lana gasp. “You mean you didn’t have to give up your company?”

Foster nods, and his grip gets tighter. “There never was a loan to pay back to my father. I didn’t do things the conventional way. Instead, I convinced Paige to marry me at the threat of needing to sell off parts of my company. It wasn’t true.”

“You’re a deceitful asshole!” Zane snaps.

“I agree, but I’ve made amends, and we want to stay together.”

“I should fucking kill you for what you did.”

“You can’t do anything to me that I haven’t already done to myself.”

Zane smirks threateningly. “You’re very wrong about that. I can expose you for the miserable bastard that you are.”

Anger explodes inside me. “No! We’ve dealt with enough.”

“How can you even consider staying married to this liar?”

“Because I love him with all my heart!”

“I can’t accept your choices,” Zane rebukes. “This story is a soap opera. First, you marry him for money, and now the contract is fake? Is there anything else you want to tell us?”

“That’s everything,” Foster responds.

I smile and wince. “Not everything. We’re planning on having a big wedding.”

Foster groans. “She’s raking me over the coals with this one.”

“Good, you deserve it.”

Lana pats Zane’s leg and rises from the couch. “Paige, let’s take you into the bathroom.”

“Are you nuts?” I protest.

“The guys will play nice. Won’t you?”

My brother and Foster glare at each other but agree. I let Lana guide me into the bathroom so I can look over the bruise on my jaw. I can just imagine the colors it will be by tomorrow. I’m going to need to cover it with foundation.

“I hope you know what you’re doing,” I say, staring at the mirror.

“Trust me. They’ll be fine.”

When we return, they are fine, as Lana promises. Foster is sitting at the breakfast bar as both he and my brother have a beer. I breathe a sigh of relief, hoping this is the start of them mending their relationship.

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