Page 9 of Teased By Love

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“You fell asleep, and your hair was in your face. Would you like to stay here tonight?”

Lana becomes fully awake. “I said I wasn’t going to sleep with you.”

“Blasted woman! Did I say anything about sleeping with you?”

“I just thought that…”

“You thought wrong. If you don’t want to stay here, then get up so you can go home before it gets too late.”

She yawns loudly and stands to slip on her shoes, “Thanks for the dessert. Oh, and the kiss. Maybe I’ll give you a second date.”

“How do you know I want a second date?”

“Everyone always wants a second date.”

“Wow, now who’s being presumptuous?”

“Well, don’t you?”

“Why don’t you give me your number and I’ll think about it.”

She heads for the door and yanks it open, “Why don’t I not and you find me. You did pretty well tonight. Exactly how many times did you go into Clancy’s hoping I would be there?”

“Since I saw you on Friday.”

“The weekend too?”

“No, I was busy last weekend. But I went in every day this week.”

“So, four times. I’m not going to give you my number. If you want me bad enough, you’ll find me.”

“You’re kidding, right?”

“Nope. I have plans tomorrow and this weekend, so if you want to date me again, you’ll have to pick a day next week to take me out.”

I stand there, gaping as she exits and quietly shuts the door. I debate running after her, but I don’t want to seem desperate, so I just stand there like an idiot. By the time I make a decision, she’s no longer in the hallway, and I think that it’s just as well. She wanted me to chase her, and that’s not my thing. Women usually chase me.

Chapter 2

Damn Lana. I can’t concentrate on anything because of her. I know where she works, and I want to call the office, but that would be pathetic. If she has no interest in me, then I’ll just get over her. I haven’t seen her in a week. My friend Lucian tells me that I’m being silly, and I should just call her. I wish he lived in the city because the guy is a great wingman, but he lives in Boston and works for his father’s development company.

Miguel and Harry asked me to go out to a club tonight, but if I go, then Paige is going to have to go with me. I can’t leave her sitting home while I enjoy myself. She spent a few days with Grace, and they did some girly things. Now she’s staying with me until she can find her own place. We convinced her to move to New York. I’m happy because I miss her way out in California.

“Paige, do you want to come out with us tonight?”

She pads down the hall in a short dress that looks like a t-shirt. “Where are you going?”

“Some club. Miguel has an in, so we’ll be sitting in the VIP section wherever we go.”

“Is Harry going?”

“For fuck’s sake, Paige. I told you that you couldn’t mess with him. He’s quite a bit older than you and a man whore.”

She frowns. “Since when is age a problem? I’m an adult.”

“You’re also my sister, and I told mom and dad I would keep an eye on you.”

“I got along fine in California. Did you think I was a nun out there?”

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