Page 43 of Teased By Love

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“Zane, how are you, son?” my father says when he answers the phone.

“Good dad. I wanted to let you know that I’ve asked Lana to marry me tonight.”

“I guess congratulations are in order. Your mother and I are excited to meet this young woman.”

“We should be up to Albany on Wednesday evening. I have a few things I need to clear off my calendar before I can leave work.”

“How is business going?”

I can hear tentativeness in my father’s voice. He knows that Eltech’s budget has been tight the past few months, but I haven’t told him we’re finally heading towards the black.

“It’s improved dramatically. Our new game has tons of orders and reorders. We’re doing great.”

I hear him breathe a sigh of relief, “That’s good to hear. We were worried.”

“Don’t be. I can help you out if you need anything.”

“We’re fine.”

But I knew that my parents weren’t fine. They tried to do their best when we were children, but it wasn’t always enough. Both my parents worked, and my father put in as much overtime as he could. He injured his back a year ago and had to go on disability. My mother still works, but her dental assistant salary is half what my father’s was with overtime. I know their struggle. I plan to change that.

“Are you sure?”

“You just worry about your company. We’ll survive.”

We chat for a few minutes more and then say our goodbyes. Next, I call my friend William Barlow who lives in Delaware. I don’t expect an answer, and I feel bad giving him good news when his life is spiraling out of control. His wife, Cora, is battling liver cancer and was recently placed in hospice.

I know he’s falling apart over it. They got married three years ago, and she just had given birth a few months before she was diagnosed. I can’t imagine the pain he’s going through over her suffering. William doesn’t answer, and I leave a quick message telling him the news and asking about how everything is going. I feel guilty being so happy when he’s so miserable.

When I get back to the bedroom, Lana has taken over the entire bed with her limbs splayed across the expanse of the mattress . I lean over and gently kiss her forehead. She mumbles something about loving me.

“Come on, baby, get up. You can’t sleep in your clothes.”

“I’m comfortable.”

“Oh, so now that I put a ring on it, you’re going to give me the cold shoulder?”

She turns and sits up with wide eyes, “Zane, don’t ever say that.”

“Lana, I’m kidding. I’d like to share this bed with you tonight if you don’t mind.”

“I never mind. I’m so tired.”

“We had a busy day. Moving, getting engaged, and unpacking. I expect you to be tired.”

“Who were you talking to?”

“I called my parents. I didn’t think it would be proper visiting for Thanksgiving and telling them we got engaged a few days ago. I also called William.”

“How are he and Cora?”

“I don’t know. He didn’t answer. I can’t imagine what they’re going through. If I ever lost you…”

“That’s not going to happen. We’re both healthy.”

“Cora was too until she got sick. It can happen in the snap of your fingers.”

“But, it won’t.”

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