Page 40 of Teased By Love

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“Don’t Zane. Let me have some time to myself. I just spent the last seven hours stuck in a limo with my family. I need a break.”

“Go then. You know where I am when you’re ready.”

I turned on the television while she wheeled her suitcase down to the master bedroom. The whole conversation we just had was ridiculous, and I wanted things to be right between us. I pressed the power button on the remote and headed for the bedroom. Lana’s suitcase was on the floor, and I opened it to sort out her clothing. Inside was a bag, and I pulled out a gray t-shirt that said: “Virginia is for Lovers.” It was my size.

She was thinking about me while she was away or she wouldn’t have gotten me the shirt. I felt like a jerk. I was ill-equipped to handle a relationship. I didn’t trust, and because it had been so long, I wasn’t used to sharing my space and time with anyone. She deserved better.

“You’re going through my things now?”

I looked up, and she was standing in the doorway wrapped in a towel. I’d been so engrossed in the t-shirt that I didn’t hear the water turn off.

“I was going to sort your clothing so you wouldn’t have to. I know you’re tired.”

“I got that for you on Saturday. My cousins took us to a street fair, and a vendor was selling them. It made me think of you. I always think of you.”

“I know. I think of you too, a lot. Sometimes I can’t wait to get home to see you. Sometimes I can’t concentrate at work because you’re all I have on my mind. Do you understand that?”

She comes to me and sits down on the floor next to her suitcase. I reach out to stroke her face with the back of my knuckles.

“I understand, but sometimes your actions make me think you don’t care. I try to rationalize that you’re running a business, but it doesn’t mean that it hurts any less. I love you, Zane.”

“I know you do. I’ll try to do better, I promise. But don’t get upset with me if I come home late. Eventually, it won’t be this way. I’ll have people in place to do some of the work that I do. Eltech won’t require so much of my attention, but now is a critical time.”

“I’ll try to be patient, but if I get upset, it’s just that I miss you so much.”

I pull her into my lap and kiss her softly on the lips. Our passion grows, and we end up making love right there on the floor. I’ve missed her so much. After we finish, I carry her to the bed, and we tangle our bodies around each other as we fall asleep.

The next morning, I wake first and gently slip out of bed so I can go workout. I have her scent all over my body, and it energizes me. I quickly dress to go downstairs to the gym. When I come back up, Lana is just stepping out of the shower, and I’m disappointed and horny.

“I thought I could catch you while you were still in there.”

“I need to go back to my apartment. I don’t have any clean work clothes.”

“Call in sick today.”

“What? No, I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“Because I spent the entire weekend with my family, and my father will know that I’m not sick.”

“So, all the more reason for you to take the day off. Spending a whole weekend with your family isn’t time to relax. Come on. We’ll go shopping, eat lunch out and maybe take a ride on the Circle Line.”

“You want to go sightseeing?”

“I just want to spend time with you.”

“Don’t you have to work at the office?”

“I’m giving myself a day off to spend time with my girlfriend. If they want to fire me, then so be it.”

“Can we pick another day? I have some things to do at work. My father talked to me about them yesterday on the drive home.”

“Lana, if you’re busy, just say so.”

“I’m busy. Can you take a rain check? Can we do it another day?”

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