Page 37 of Awakened By Love

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As we stand, waiting for the elevator, I hear a sound behind us and immediately drop her hand. We didn’t want to be outed before our relationship even got into full swing. Out from the kitchen walked Paul. He scowled, then glared at Olivia and me.

In true dick fashion, I call out a greeting. “Howdy Paul, how are you tonight?”

“Fuck you,” he sneers before heading back towards his office.

The doors to the elevator open, and I pull Olivia inside, taking her in my arms and planting my lips firmly against hers the instant they close. I’ve wanted to do so ever since I saw her pretty face tilted over her laptop.

Our tongues tangle and stroke, causing heat to flush my entire body. We stayed locked that way until the car dinged on the fifteenth floor. By the time the doors open, we are in separate corners as a young man wearing an apron with “Luigi’s Pizza” stitched into the front of it steps on.

I was rock hard, and my balls ached for relief. The short time she was in my arms had aroused me in a way that I hadn’t felt in two years. I need to suppress my desire for her before I do something stupid. As we pass the last few floors, I think of my Aunt Tessa, who was eighty-five, which did the trick. By the time the car hit the lobby, I was cool.

“Would you like to get something to eat? I’m still full from lunch, but I could buy you dinner.”

“Why don’t we just go back to my apartment?” she asks. “I made chicken Kiev yesterday, and there is plenty for both of us.”

She didn’t have to ask me twice. Despite how much I want her, I also want any chances to be alone with her. I could behave if she could.

“We can take the–”

Before she could finish, I was already raising my hand to hail a cab with a lit on duty sign that was barreling down the street. I yank open the door and wait for her to slip inside, then follow.

“We could have taken the subway.”

“This is faster. I have a favor to ask you.”

“Sure, anything,” she agrees.

“I need you to document anything that would amount to insubordination where Paul is concerned when I’m around. You heard what he said to me.”

“Are you planning on releasing him?”

“No, I’m planning on firing his ass.”

“We can’t handle being down a programmer. We have six projects going and not nearly enough staff.”

“I’m already working on it. I set up some interviews at my loft, and have two more next week.”

“Zane is on board with this?”

“I discussed with him this afternoon. He knows we need to do something about Paul. He’s poison, and he’s making everyone sick.”

“He won’t go without a fight,” she warns.

“I don’t plan on letting him go until we have everything in place. Once he’s gone, we can hire even more programmers. He’s overpaid and not worth the aggravation. Plus, he talks about Futile Gaming, so let him go there.”

“But, he was the lead on the virtual system.”

“You know just as much as he does, Henry too.”

“He knows more.”

“You won’t be without allies,” I reassure. “The guys I’m planning on bringing in know their shit and can add to the mix. I’m going to keep Paul thinking he’s still in charge and then drop the bomb on him.”

Olivia starts to chew at her bottom lip as I elaborate. I worry that she will draw blood, so I cup her jaw to stop her. “What has you worried?”

“I just don’t want it to get physical.”

I frown. “Has it before?”

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