Page 13 of Awakened By Love

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“You’d never know it,” I mutter under my breath.

“What’s that?” He tilts his head, eyebrow raised.

“Nothing. I’ll be watching.”

“Well, it seems like a good time to discuss your role here. What would you like to do?”

“I’d enjoy working in accounting and being include in any budgetary operations.”

“Consider it done.”

“I also wanted to ask why you only have educational games for institutions? Why don’t you offer them to individual buyers?”

“Two days, and you’re already making changes? Why doesn’t that surprise me?”

“I just thought you could do something to generate more income with the software you already produce.”

“We thought of that, but we’re focused on cost efficiency for production as well as for the user. Most of those games cost somewhere around twelve hundred dollars for the bundle.”

“Then unbundle them.”

“We’ve also worked the figures, and it doesn’t work financially. In the end, our bottom line would take a hit.”

Not one to give up, I say, “I can take a shot at reworking the figures. Can you permit me to see the paperwork?”

“You’re an owner; you don’t need my permission. I sent a memo out about who you are, so go hog-wild. Spend your days trying to crunch the numbers. God knows I wouldn’t be surprised if you managed to do it in a day with that math whiz brain of yours.”

A laugh escapes me at his friendly jab. “Great, I’ll start today.”

As I walk out, Zane calls after me. “Luc, try not to rock the boat so early in your tenure. We’re trying to protect all our employees.”

“I’ll be fine as long as no one harasses Olivia.”

I see him scowl as I turn around. I tell myself she doesn’t mean anything to me, but I still feel for her and want her to be comfortable. Maybe it’s because her demeanor reminds me of Cassie’s.

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