Page 12 of Awakened By Love

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I round his desk and take a second to evaluate the options. “My opinion, stick with black. If the system sells as the projections say, then you can offer a special edition color for Christmas.”

“That’s a great idea.”

“Of course, you should still decide on a color scheme. I don’t want to step on any toes, so I would also suggest speaking with Zane about it.”

“No problem. Thanks, Mr. Wilton.”

“Henry, you call me that when I look like my father. Please call me, Lucian.”

A movement at the corner of my eye catches my attention, and when I glance up, I spot Olivia walking down the hallway. Behind me, I hear Henry say something, but I’m distracted.


“I’m sorry, Henry, did you say something?”

When I turn to him, he’s grinning at me with a raised eyebrow. “It’s not easy for her to be working in a department made up of ninety-five percent men, but she’s great. She’s also very patient, knowledgeable, and talented. She’s had to put up with stuff that would make anyone want to leave.”

“She’s being sexually harassed?”

“I wouldn’t say that, but some of these guys can be harsh.”

“Well, as a partner, they’re going to answer to me if I see it happening.”

“Don’t get me wrong; I don’t condone it by any means. I’ve spoken to them about their behavior, and it has improved, but there’s always one or two.”

I grit my teeth. “If it happens again, I want to know. She doesn’t have to take that shit from anyone.”

“I’m sorry, Lucian. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“I’ll be more upset if you don’t tell me if it takes place again. It’s a liability Henry, not a joke. She could sue us. Besides that, she shouldn’t have to be treated poorly.”

He gives me an assuring look. “I agree, and I’ll be sure to let you know.”

“Thank you. I’ll let you get back to your work.”

I slip out the door and check my watch. It’s a little before 9:00, so I head to Zane’s office to talk with him. He’s just sliding into his chair when I walk through his open door.

“Lucian, how are you?”

“I’d be better if I didn’t hear what I just heard.”

Zane’s expression becomes serious. “Is it the system?”

“No. Henry told me that Olivia is being sexually harassed. Were you aware of this?”

“Yes, and it’s been handled.”

“Not if it continues, it’s not.” I retort. “The next person that does it should be fired. She shouldn’t have to deal with that.”

“What has you so worked up?”

“Cassie was harassed at Wilton. We had no idea, and she was worried about her job, so she said nothing. Luckily, I caught the asshole responsible and fired him on the spot. I won’t tolerate it.”

“Like I said, they’ve been reprimanded and have all gone through a course on harassment in the workplace. Any violation of it will result in a suspension without pay. After that, a second issue means they’ll be terminated.”

“They should be terminated immediately, no suspension.”

“Lucian, I understand this is personal for you, but we have it in hand. I won’t tolerate that behavior either. Olivia is a key part of our group. We can’t afford to lose her.”

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