Page 61 of Twisted By Love

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“No. Because we didn’t have sex; we made love.”

I got quiet for a few seconds. “Why didn’t you say anything sooner? You’ve been back for over a month.”

“Megan, we still need to talk. I want to tell you everything about my life, but it’s hard for me to express my feelings because of how I was brought up. I need to be sure that my emotions will be returned before I can be open. You’ll understand soon.”

Burn forgotten; I dump my coffee out into the sink and glance at the clock over the stove.

“Until then, we have about fifteen minutes before CJ usually gets up and one more condom left. What would you like to do?”

Chase gives me a wicked grin, and we hurry to the bedroom before CJ can interrupt us. Our lovemaking is quick and intensely followed by simultaneous orgasms. I’m in the shower when CJ wakes up, and once I get dressed, I find Chase sitting in the rocking chair in the nursery, feeding him.

He finishes and burps CJ, then takes him into the shower with him. I follow to watch as he washes our son while softly singing to him. When he’s finished, he hands CJ off to me to dry so he can clean himself. This new day has morphed into my dream of having a loving family around me.

Chapter 12

On Sunday morning, I wake in Chase’s bed. He’s gone because he has work at six in the morning. But I find a white rose on his pillow with a note that reads:

The hours away from you and CJ make my heart long to be near. Until we meet again (which should be at 8:00 PM when I get off.)

I love you,


I’m chuckling at the last bit, but I’m exhausted and sore because we spent half the night making love. According to the clock, it’s close to seven. I might get another five minutes of dream time before CJ wakes up if I’m lucky. However, I decide it’s better not to fall asleep again and instead, pad into my son’s room. He’s awake and playing with a stuffed panda in his crib. I guess Chase gave it to him. I prefer not to leave anything extra in his crib when he sleeps since I worry about him smothering against it.

Maybe I'm overly concerned, but I spent a good amount of my pregnancy pouring through books about everything child-related imaginable. I wonder how I’m going to broach the subject with Chase since he can get touchy about things like that since he is a doctor. I’ll figure out a way.

I lift CJ from his crib and kiss him. His diaper is damp, and I change him before taking him to the kitchen to get his bottle ready. It looks like his teeth have finally come through all the way. Lexi told me I should try to start feeding him some pureed stuff since he’s five months old. Mentally making a note, I consider starting that in a week or two.

A little while later, after he’s fed, dressed, and on his play mat, I go around straightening up the kitchen and living room. Due to the open floor plan of Chase’s apartment, I can watch CJ from either of those rooms. When I’m finished, I sit down with my son and play with him for a little while. No matter how long I’m around him, it’s hard to believe how big he’s getting.

Since the weather has cooled down recently, I decide to take CJ out for a walk. I figure the park is a good place to go as it’s been a while since I have taken him there. I text Lexi to see if she wants to join me, and she says she does. It takes me about five minutes to pack a bag, get CJ in his stroller, his Yankees baseball cap on, put on some sunscreen, and grab my sunglasses.

The park is busy, which doesn’t surprise me since it’s a really beautiful day. Not a cloud is in the sky, and there’s a slight breeze to take the edge off the humidity. Lexi is running late, but she does have two kids to deal with. She finally shows up when I take a seat on a bench to hold CJ.

“I thought you would never get here,” I say in greeting.

“Johnny has been a handful lately. It’s not the terrible twos anymore; it’s the terrible threes.”

“How is Arabella?”

My niece is peacefully sleeping in her side of the stroller, not at all disturbed by her brother’s chattering. The second Lexi removed Johnny from the stroller and placed him down; he begins to run around, so she has to chase him. I laugh when he takes off through the crowd, and I pull Arabella closer to me while Lexi is gone. After wrangling Johnny, she finally comes back, red in the face, with him in her arms.

“This kid is going to be the death of me,” she huffs. “I wish JC were home today so I could have left him at the apartment.”

“Where is JC?”

“Work. He has a big project to finish by Monday. It’s getting so he’s at the office more than he is at home.”

“Is that a problem?”

“I miss him. He told me that he’s thinking of switching over to Lawson.”

“Are you serious? I thought he didn’t get along with his dad?”

“He doesn’t, but the salary his father is offering is ridiculous. At the moment, Hunter doesn’t work weekends unless necessary, which is rare.”

“So when is he deciding by?”

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