Page 56 of Twisted By Love

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“Fine. You’re no longer a pariah. Lexi wants you to come to dinner sometime.”

“That’s a surprise.”

I hum in agreement. “Where is CJ?”

“He’s sleeping. The poor little guy was tuckered out.”

“Can I see him? You never did show me his room.”

Chase takes my hand, and I electricity shoots through me as he holds it. He leads me to a small bedroom a few doors down from his own and opens the door. The room is painted a robin egg blue and stocked with everyday baby things. A changing table, crib, and a large white armoire along with a rocking chair all sit on top of a dark blue carpet. A border circling the room made up of alphabet letters and animals, lines the top of the wall near the ceiling.

“It’s beautiful. You did a nice job.”

“A doctor friend told me what I should get and what colors to paint. I’m not very good at design. I probably should have asked you to help.”

“I would have if you did.”

Moving over to our sleeping son, I see he’s dressed in his pajamas and looks peaceful.

“Did he fuss?”

“No. I think his teeth finally broke the gum. I can see the tips of white.”

I gently pull down CJ’s lip and can see that some teeth did indeed break the gum.

“Megan, would you like a glass of wine?”

“I had two already. I should stick to water.”

“Water it is. Go ahead and sit in the living room. I’ll be there in a minute.”

Feeling the weight of the day on my shoulders, I sit down on his comfortable couch and look around. On a wall-mounted shelf, I notice the picture he took of me and CJ in a frame along with a few that I never saw before. One is of us together before he left. We had attended a dinner for a charity, and he asked me to accompany him. Curious, I get up to examine it.

“I found that in a box and thought I would put it on the shelf,” Chase voices from behind me.

“Why? We’re not dating.”

“But we are friends. I want to remember the happy times we had together.”

I sit back down, and he hands me a glass of sparkling water with a twist of lime. He sits next to me and sips at what smells like whiskey. I begin to chew on my nails, but he reaches over to remove them from my mouth.

“Do I make you nervous?”

“Don’t flatter yourself, Chase.”

“We have a lot of history in this place.”

“It’s all sexual. That was it, sex?”

“I don’t like to believe that. We had something more.”

“It was more to me, but I’m not sure how much more it was to you.”

“Why do you say that? I’m not made of stone. I have feelings for you.”

“Not the ones I want.”

“Megan, be straight with me. Are you still in love with me?”

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