Page 50 of Twisted By Love

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“If you think for one minute that I’m going to forget that I have a child, you’re wrong. If you knew my past, you would understand why.”

“How can I know anything about you? You never offered anything! You knew my family, but I never met yours. You never talked about anything personal. Was I supposed to guess?”

“Look, my past is ugly, and I don’t want it staining my son’s future. But I want you to change his last name to mine.”

“How dare you demand anything.”

“Megan, I’m not kidding. I want to resolve this now because I have to leave tomorrow.”

“Nothing is going to be resolved overnight. You should have called. You can’t just show up and order me around.”

“Very well, but this would have been easy if you agreed.”

Chase heads for the door, slamming it on his way out. My first worry is that he didn’t wake CJ, but my legs are so shaky that I slump to the floor, heaving for breaths. My tears start up again. It crosses my mind that seeing him after all this time and having acted so hostilely might spell problems when he gets back to California.

Despite my panic, I tell myself I need to speak to an attorney. I have a feeling I have a battle ahead of me. Though I want CJ to know about his birth father, I don’t want to deal with the pain that arises every time I see Chase. I’m not sure it will ever go away or if I’ll ever stop loving him.

Chapter 10

Two weeks later, I’m still waiting for the other shoe to drop. I expected to hear something from either Chase or his attorney but nothing. Steven and I are worse than ever, and I called off our engagement the day after Chase visited.

Steven was upset that I didn’t call him the minute Chase came to my apartment. I told him that it wasn’t like Chase was going to hurt either myself or CJ. It was more likely that Steven didn’t want me to be alone with Chase. He doesn’t trust my feelings towards the doctor, and he’s right.

If Steven only knew how deep my love for Chase goes, he never would have bothered to ask me to marry him. I should never have said yes because I can’t give my entire heart to him when it belongs to Chase. I’m destined to be alone for the rest of my life if I can’t get over him, but I don’t know how to change it.

I told Hunter what happened, and he said I should tell my family that I lied to them about Chase knowing. It’s embarrassing, but he’s right. Eventually, they’re going to find out when he visits CJ. Maybe not right away, but it will come up in conversation, especially if I have to share him on holidays.

Despite his good advice, I still haven’t told them. I’m sitting in my office, wondering how I’ll break the news to my family when I receive a call from an unknown number on my cell. I let it go to voicemail, then listen to it a few minutes later.

“Miss Stanford. I’m back in New York and want to set up visitation with my son. I know you wanted advanced notice, but since tomorrow is Saturday, I want to take him for a few hours. I promise not to spirit him away. Please call me back to discuss.”

I press the end button and glare at my phone. Does he think I’m going to let my son go anywhere without me? There is no way I’m letting my boy out of my sight. Maybe he can come to my apartment, and we can have lunch. It’s been unbearably hot now that August is here, and I don’t want CJ out in the heat.

Of course, I’m sure that Dr. Pearce will say that, because he’s a doctor, he knows what an infant can and can’t handle. Regardless, I’m going to let him know that he can’t take him without me chaperoning. That might sound like I’m being a mother hen, but CJ means everything to me.

I dial his number and wait for the phone to ring. He finally picks up on the fourth ring.

“Miss Stanford, I thought I’d have to hire a lawyer to get your attention.”

“No, I decided to be reasonable. However, I prefer you come to my apartment to visit him rather than take him out.”

Chase pauses, and I wait for the inevitable rant.

I’m surprised when he answers, “Fine. If that’s all you’ll allow, then I’ll honor your request and visit with him at your apartment. What time works best?”

“CJ wakes early, usually by seven, if you want to come for breakfast.”

“I’ll see you at eight. I’ll bring some bagels and Danishes. Do you still drink hazelnut coffee?”

My heart flutters when he mentions the coffee. I’m surprised he remembers.

“Yes, I still drink it.”

“Should I bring decaf? You’re breastfeeding, aren’t you? That’s best for CJ.”

The flutters are gone as I reply, “I had to stop breastfeeding.”

“Oh? Do you want to tell me why?” he says sternly.

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