Page 41 of Twisted By Love

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“They told me this morning. Did they say something to you?”

I bark out a humorless laugh. “I’m being investigated. They want to know about my relationship with him and how I got my promotions. Do they think I blackmailed him? I would never do that!”

“Megan, did he make advances on you?”

“You too? You think I blackmailed him?”

“No. I want to know as a friend. Did he hurt you?” He gestures to the chair again.

With a sigh, I sit and answer, “He was nothing but decent. He mentored me when I got here.”

“Then you have nothing to worry about. If he gave you those promotions based on your ability, then tell them that. Don’t let them make you admit to something that didn’t happen.”

“I’m worried that they’re going to see me and think I used my charm and my body to get what I want. It’s insulting.”

“Be strong. You’re in the right.”

Taking a deep breath, I bring up my other concern. “Chase, suppose they find out something is going on between us?”

“They’re not. It’s why I told you not to come here unless it’s for work. I understand you’re upset, but you should go.”

Even though I need his comfort, I have to agree. They might see me as someone that uses my looks to get what I want, not the hard-working woman that earned her position. Rising from my chair, I tell Chase, thank you.

“Megan, I’ll be over this evening when we can discuss this further without prying eyes. Until then, please relax.”

I nod as I head to the door. He follows me and says a few words about a project that I’m working on, loud enough for Joan to hear.

When I return to my desk, I’m numb. Everyone in the lab knows what happened with Doug, and I can feel their eyes on me. Cindy, Ted, and Edgar would never think I got ahead by using my body, but other jealous people would. I keep my head down in my cubicle, pretending to work.

When the day ends, I sit and wait for all the other employees to file out before I leave. Tears sting my eyes as I head to the subway. I need comfort, preferably from Chase.

He’s waiting in the lobby of my building when I get home.

“You’ve been crying. Don’t. You did nothing wrong,” he tells me as we enter my apartment.

“I know, but I see the way others are staring at me.”

“It’s just jealousy. If you need me to intervene, say the word.”

“Chase, you can’t. Then I’m getting special treatment, just like they are accusing me of.”

“You’re a supervisor. There is no reason why you should have to take shit from your subordinates. If it were any other situation, you would come to me with a problem, so why not this.”

Holding firm, I tell him, “If I need you, I’ll let you know.”

We don’t have sex that night or any other night during the next few days.

Legal practically interrogates me as if I was the one accused of wrongdoing. I’m not eating or sleeping, and my head is not in the game.

The last round of questioning is on Wednesday of the next week. That day, I make a huge blunder in the lab. It’s one that Chase needs to clean up, and I feel guilty because he takes some heat for my mistake. But he shows his true colors when he comforts me that night.

Saturday marks a week since we’ve had sex, and I want him desperately. We’re still only in the friend’s stage, but I think we’re moving closer towards a relationship. After his actions and support, I am pretty sure that I am helplessly in love with him. It is increasingly harder to hide my growing feelings as the days pass.

“I love you,” I mumble. We just had sex for the third time tonight, and I can’t contain the words. I knew it could have an explosive effect, and it does.

“Megan, what did you say?” he asks sternly.

I inhale deeply and look him squarely in the eye. “I love you. I’m in love with you.”

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