Page 4 of Twisted By Love

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“How are you, Megan? I haven’t seen you in a while,” he purrs.

“I’ve been busy with work and life. You?”

“Single again. We can get together if you’re interested.”

“I’ll let you know. Do you still have the same number?”

“Yes, same as before.”

Behind me, I hear Dr. Pearce clear his throat.

“And you are?” Steven asks.

“This is Dr. Pearce, my new boss.”

I could almost hear Steven breathe a sigh of relief. We always had a good time in bed, and if I were dating, that would be off the table.

“Pleasure to meet you, doctor. Let me seat you, and the meal is on the house—anything you want.”

“Thanks, Steven.”

He grabs a couple of menus from the hostess, and we follow him to a booth in the back of the restaurant. I kiss him on the cheek in thanks, blushing when I feel his hand caress my ass as he leaves us.

“Are you close to him?” Dr. Pearce asks, a deep frown marring his features.

“Close enough. We’ve known each other for a few years.”


“Dr. Pearce, I don’t see how that is any of your business.”

“It’s obvious by the way he was looking at you that you are, or, have been.”

“We have a mutual understanding.”

“You mean friends with benefits?”

I could feel my face turn crimson, the heat of my embarrassment blooming from my neck up.

“You’re very forward, aren’t you?”

“It’s as I said before, you don’t need to cheapen yourself. I can see that you are intelligent and worthy without engaging in that type of behavior.”

I pointedly avoid his stare by concentrating on my menu, but I could feel his blue eyes boring into me.

“It’s a coordinated satisfaction,” I point out. “Why is it that a man can sleep with multiple women, and it’s not a problem, but if a woman does it, she cheapens herself?”

“Because women are delicate, lovely creatures who should be worshipped, not used. Excuse me for my old-world thinking.”

“Everyone is entitled to their opinions. I prefer to remove myself from permanent entanglements. I’m not interested in marriage.”


“Because they cause hurt. I’ve been there, gave my all, and gotten screwed over. It’s not worth my time or emotions.” I still haven’t glanced up from my menu.

“Well, that man deserves a whipping. You are above him, and you should let go of your previous emotional damage to try again.”

Dr. Pearce’s lecturing tone makes me feel like a child being scolded by their parents. He didn’t look that much older than my twenty-eight years; maybe he was thirty-five, but his stern voice made me feel younger.

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