Page 34 of Twisted By Love

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“I have a problem, though.”

“What’s that?”

“No clothes. I can’t very well walk around in my heels and club dress.”

Chase chuckles. “I suppose you can’t. We will have to drop by your apartment, but it might not be a bad idea to leave some of our personal items at each other’s place.”

It occurs to me that Chase is acting more like a boyfriend than a sex partner, but I’m not going to complain. I agree and get dressed back into my dress so we can head to my building.

We spend the rest of the day enjoying the late April weather. It’s sunny and in the 70s. Partway through, we have lunch and attend a street fair that goes for several blocks. He buys me a charm bracelet that has Disney characters on it, and the gesture makes me smile because I once mentioned I love them. I still want to ask him about his apartment since it’s five times the size of mine, but I decide not to for now.

On the way back to my place, he asks if I had a good day. I assure him that I did and that we should do it again sometime—maybe next weekend. His face goes dark.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“I have a conference next weekend in Boston, and several of my old classmates will be there. I leave on Wednesday and won’t be back until the following Tuesday.”

I knew something was bothering him today, and I wish he just came right out and told me. He seemed disconnected and barely spoke to me most of the day.

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“I didn’t think it made a difference. I mean, we aren’t dating.”

“But we’re friends. Do you want to date?”

“Megan, Carrie screwed me over, and I’m happier being single. I thought that’s what you wanted, too?”

“I do want that. I don’t like the entanglements of dating, but I’m not going to say that marriage and children are totally off the table. I do love children.”

“I don’t think I would do well as a father. And you don’t need to be married to have a child.”

“No, you don’t. but it would make life easier on some fronts.” My words are final.

I don’t know what else to say, so I stay silent until we get to my building. I peck him on the cheek and tell him I’ll see him on Monday. I don’t feel like spending any more of the evening with Chase because I’m having a hard time figuring him out, and I need time to think. He seems to realize what I’m implying and tells me he’ll see me at the beginning of the workweek.

Upon entering my apartment, I’m still very confused. If I speak to either one of my sisters about Chase, they’ll tell me the same thing—that I’m making a mistake. I’m not sure they would be wrong. Olivia might be a good ear to have, but I’m worried that she might tell Lexi since they are good friends. I would probably do better with a male perspective, which means Hunter will have to be it. Digging out my phone, I find his contact info on my cell, hit call, and wait for him to answer.

“What’s up, Megs?” he answers.

“I need to talk to you. Can you come over?”

“Yeah, no problem. Rory is out with her friend, Ellie.”

“When can you get here?”

“I guess in about fifteen minutes.”

Thanking him, I hang up. I’m glad that we all live so close to each other. I hope that Hunter can offer me some insight. While I’m waiting, I grab one of the two beers left in my refrigerator. Making a mental checklist, I think about what food I’ll need to buy after Hunter leaves. Finally, he shows up after a half-hour.

“So, what do you need to talk to me about?” he asks once he’s inside.


“He seems like a nice guy.”

“Yes, he is, and he bewilders me.”

“Megan, are you sleeping with him?”

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