Page 29 of Twisted By Love

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“I think so, at least that’s what he told me. I don’t want to invest time in a relationship only for it to turn to shit. Look what happened to you.”

“Yes, look what happened to me. I got screwed over twice, but it all came out for the better. I’ve never been happier. JC is a wonderful husband and father.”

“He didn’t use to be.”

“He was young and made a bad decision, but he righted it, and it was worth the heartbreak.”

“You’re strong, Lexi. I don’t think I could handle that happening to me twice. I prefer to be single.”

“Single with a string of friends with benefits? That’s no way to live.”

“Says you. I’m not ready for a relationship again.”

“You’re not getting any younger.”

Although I’m mentally done with our conversation, Lexi hands me a towel, and I dutifully spread it over my lap so she can place Arabella on it. I rub her dry, then swaddle her. She gurgles and smiles at me.

“Do you want to dress her so I can get Johnny in here?”

“Sure, I’ll take her.”

I make sure the towel is wrapped snuggly around Bella, then take her to the nursery. I remember my mom doing this for Emma so many years ago. On the way, I nod at Chase, who I spot from across the hallway.

In her room, I start singing to Arabella as I diaper and dress her before I place her in the crib and turn on her monitor. When I turn, I startle a bit to see Chase standing there.

“Why do I always find you watching me when I’m with the kids?”

“Because it’s heartwarming. I also want to come to the club with you.”

“Why, because of Matty?”

“I just do.”

“You’re green is coming out.”

“I’m not jealous. We’re not dating, so how can I be?”

We stop talking as soon as I hear the bathroom door open, and Lexi comes out with Johnny. I tell her that Bella is changed and ready for her bottle.

“Great, can you dress my little man while I prepare her bottle?”

“Sure, I can.”

Chase follows me to Johnny’s room and watches as I dress him in his pajamas, then put him in bed for storytime. He selects a book and crawls into my lap while Chase comes over and takes up the edge of the bed. By the time I’m done reading, my nephew is asleep, so I move him to his bed. Lexi is coming out of Bella’s room just as I’m leaving Johnny’s with Chase trailing behind.

“He’s asleep,” I inform her.

“That quick? You can come help me every night if you’re going to make my life easier.”

“You should be putting JC to work.”

“He’s been working a lot of hours since they’re shorthanded. I wanted to give him a break.”

Back in the living room, we join the others. Chase possessively puts his arm around my shoulders once we’re seated. At nine, after talking a while longer, we decide to leave to get ready for Vibes. I tell Hunter and Rory we’ll meet them in front of the club at 10:30.

Walking home, Chase grabs my hand and holds it tight.

“Chase, what was that all about?”

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