Page 27 of Twisted By Love

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“Megan,” he whispers in my ear.

I don’t answer him, but I rest my head on his shoulder.

“Baby, are you okay?”

I mumble something unintelligible, and he chuckles. In the back of my mind, I realize it’s the first time he has referred to me as baby—or anything other than my name. My back comes away from the wall as he carries me to the bed and bends down to lay me on it. I unlock my feet and lie there, watching as he looks at his watch.

“Four and a half minutes,” he comments with a grin.

Is he serious? Did he time us?

He slips into the bathroom, leaving me half-naked and half asleep. When he comes out, I still haven’t moved.

“Megan, we have to go or your sister is going to be very unhappy.”

He’s right. He’s always right. I begrudgingly get up off the bed and go to the bathroom to clean myself. My hair is a mess, and I try to do something with it, but it’s no use, so I put it in a ponytail. Chase frowns when I enter the bedroom.

“I much prefer your hair down.”

“Well, you fucked it into a big mess that I don’t want to try and tame so a ponytail will have to do. Plus, we’re going out, so I needed to fix it anyway.”

He only gives a smug smile that I want to smack off his face. Now I have no panties to match the bra I’m still wearing. I pull off my shirt and bra while standing in front of my dresser, deciding which other set to put on. Sending a glare behind me, I see Chase watching me with amusement. Damn him.

By the time I finish dressing, we’re already late. I text Lexi to let her know that we’ll be at least fifteen minutes behind schedule.

“We should probably bring something,” he says.

“Chase, we’re already late, so we’re not stopping.”

“My, you’re bossy tonight.”

“Does it bother you?”

“No, but you’re sexy when being direct.”

I take his hand and pull him towards the door. If he keeps talking this way, dinner is going to be a faraway idea, and my sister will be pissed.

Chapter 5

I don’t let his hand go in the elevator or on the walk to my sister’s. He makes no attempt to take his back either. When we arrive, he pulls me into his arms and kisses me before I knock on the door.

“I like holding your hand. We should do that more often.”

Chase likes to hold my hand—I file that away in my brain.

JC answers the door, telling us dinner is just being served. I hug my brother in law, and he shakes Chase’s hand before ushering us to the table where we greet everyone. My nephew is sitting on Hunter’s lap, but when he sees me, he demands to sit on mine. I’m flattered because he loves Hunter.

“Come on, Johnny, let Aunt Megan eat. You can sit in your chair,” Lexi says.

“It’s fine.” I wave off her comment. “Just pass me his plate.”

Chase and I glance at each other, and there’s a look of questioning in his expression. Does he think I can’t handle a toddler at dinner time?

I set Johnny’s plate next to mine and help him eat between taking small bites of the lasagna that sits in front of me. Being around lively chatter and loved ones are starting to grow on me, and I’m beginning to enjoy family dinners, especially with Chase tagging along. Johnny is well behaved and eats most of his food.

When the meal is over, all of the men move to the living room while the women clean up. While doing so, Lexi takes me aside to ask what the deal is with Chase. I tell her that we’re just friends, and I’m hoping to move towards something, but we’re taking our time. If I told her that I was screwing him without considering a relationship, she would have a fit. It wouldn’t be the last time she’d tell me I’m too old to be carrying on this way. When I told her about Steven months ago, Lexi didn’t understand that I wasn’t interested in anything permanent after Jeremy. I’m still not even sure if I ever want to get married.

“Are you still coming with Hunter and me tonight?” Rory asks.

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