Page 23 of Twisted By Love

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“I wanted to. It was made when we got in here.”

He sits on the corner of the bed and watches me dress. I remember that my bra is in his back pocket and wonder if I should ask for it back. It’s kind of cute that Chase wants to keep a memento, so I don’t bother inquiring. Naked, I pad into my closet where I left all the laundry bags. I hunt through them to find a coordinated set of underwear, purposefully choosing out a sexy, pink, lacy number, I put them on before I leave the closet. Chase is playing with his phone and looks up when I come out. He forgets what he was doing because he licks his lips, eyes never leaving me.

I act like I’m unaware of his attention as I bend over to dig through my dresser for a polo. The boy shorts I’m wearing don’t quite fully cover my posterior, and I know he is getting an eyeful of what I consider my best asset. His deep inhale tells me the view is getting to him.

“Miss Stanford, can you please hurry and get dressed?”

I wheel around after selecting a shirt, peering innocently at him. “Is there a problem?”

“Yes. If you don’t hurry, then all those condoms you have in your nightstand will be put to good use.”

My core instantly tightens, but I quickly slip on my shirt and go back to the closet to retrieve a pair of jeans.

“Ready. Let’s go.”

He rises, and I go first, leading him. The jeans I’m wearing are tight, and I catch his reflection in my hallway mirror as he surveys me, which pleases me.

The park is busy with activity since it so warm, and we spend the rest of the day together. In the evening, he drops me off at my apartment. Before he leaves, he pecks me on the cheek. For the rest of the weekend, I don’t see or hear from him.

Chapter 4


It’s the first word out of my mouth when I wake up Monday morning. It’s nearing eight, so why the fuck didn’t my alarm go off? Upon checking it, I that I must have hit the wrong setting switch when I was cleaning the day before. Shit, now I’m going to be late!

I leap out of bed, take a two-minute shower, and am then off to get dressed. Forgoing coffee, I’ll have to wait until lunchtime because I won’t drink the swill in the office. I apply my makeup when I’m in a cab and put my still wet hair in a ponytail. I make it to the office just before nine.

It’s deserted. No one is in the lab or their cubicles. What the hell was going on? I boot up my computer and check my email. I curse again when I realize Chase called a department meeting in the conference room that started… now! Launching from my chair, I sprint down the hall, slipping into the conference room just as Chase starts talking.

“Nice of you to join us, Miss Stanford.”

I can feel my face heat as everyone turns. “My apologies for being tardy.”

“Find a seat, please, so we can get started.”

In his usual authoritative way, Chase looks sexy today. He’s wearing khaki slacks with a blue sweater and a tweed sports jacket. Growing bored, I start daydreaming. By the time he finishes, I snap out of it as everyone around me gets up. I’m about to follow when Chase calls my name.

“Miss Stanford, can I see you in my office please?”

“Uh, yes. Sure.”

“Follow me.”

He’s back in Dr. Pearce mode, and I wonder what this is about. The entire elevator ride is spent silent; and he holds his office door open for me once we reach it, closing it after I enter. Without saying a word, he sits at his desk before addressing me.

“Why were you late this morning?”

“I forgot to set my alarm. I must have shut it off when I was dusting.”

“I need my supervisors to be on top of their game. Are you sure it was just because your alarm didn’t go off?”


“Dr. Pearce,” he interrupts.

“Dr. Pearce, what are you implying?”

“I just want to make sure you’re following the rules of our agreement.”

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