Page 94 of Hard as Stone

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She handed me some towels to wipe the gel off my belly and told me to meet her in her office. Dr. Daly gave me instructions and suggested a brand of prenatal vitamins that I should start taking. I could no longer drink coffee or wine, which were my pick me ups and relaxers. She said I should make sure to get enough sleep and exercise. I didn’t tell her that was almost impossible with my schedule.

I left her office with the knowledge that I was now pregnant, and Austin was the father. There was no doubt I wanted to keep this baby. By the time I gave birth, I would practically be thirty-four, my biological clock was speeding along.

My dilemma was telling Austin. He had a horrible experience with a young woman who lied to him, telling him he was the father of her baby when he was not. There was no doubt he was the father of this baby because he had been the only person I’d been with in years. But I had agreed to sex without taking care with my birth control. He might not want a child, and now he had no choice.

I was flying back to Los Angeles on Wednesday, and I made up my mind to tell him I was pregnant. He needed to know. I might be the ice queen, but I would never keep something like this from him. I just had to find the right time to tell him.

My flight to Los Angeles would get me in 10:23 AM. I would text Austin from my office at Spotlight and ask if I could see him after work. I was fidgety the entire plane ride, making the man next to me angry. He asked me several times if I could stop. Normally I would’ve told him off, but I had other things on my mind.

I was grateful for the warm weather of Los Angeles after leaving the cold of New York. I headed directly to Spotlight and spent most of the day talking on the phone. Spotlight was in negotiations with a director for our new yet unnamed film. It was exhausting, and I was amazed I could concentrate with the news I had to deliver. Before I left the office, I called Austin to ask if I could stop by his place.

“Hey, how are you?”

I chewed on my lip. “I’m in Los Angeles. I thought we could get together.”

“Sure. I’m barbecuing. Want to stop by for dinner?”

“I guess. I’m not very hungry.”

“You remember my ribs? That’s what I’m making. I bet you’ll want to dive in once you get here.”

“I should be over in about a half hour.”

I took a cab since I hadn’t told Antonio I would be in town and didn’t want to disrupt his evening. When we pulled up to Austin’s, my stomach started to do flip flops. My nerves were shot, and all I wanted to do was get the news I had to tell him out.

I rang the bell, wishing I had brought something, but I forgot. The door opened, and I was shocked to see a woman standing before me. She was pretty, petite, and blonde with dark eyes.

“You must be Samantha. I’m Jessie.”

She offered her hand, and I shook it even though I was still absorbing the fact that Austin had a woman in his house.

“Nice to meet you. How do you know Austin?” I asked.

“We dated a few years back. We recently got back in touch.”

I followed her out to the patio where Austin was standing by the grill. He flipped the ribs and shut the top.

“Look who’s here?” Jessie said.

He turned and looked so handsome with dark stubble on his face. Austin came to me, and we hugged.

He nuzzled my ear, which I thought was inappropriate at this moment. “When did you get in?”

“This morning. I had to go to the office to put out some fires.”

“Can I get you something to drink? I have some white wine chilling?”

“I’ll pass on the wine. Some water would be great.”

“I’ll get it so you two can talk,” Jessie said.

After she was gone, I questioned Austin. “Are you two dating?”

“We’re seeing each other for the past few weeks.”

“Since when?”

“I guess mid-October.”

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