Page 39 of Hard as Stone

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Austin raised his eyebrows. “Do you want a husband?”

“Eventually, I might.”

“Then eventually, you will. You’ll see.”

I grinned. “Are you volunteering?”

“If I knew it was what you wanted right now, then I would. We have plenty of time to get to know each other.”

I shoved the sheet off me and sat up. “Let me show you around my palace.”

I got up from bed, and we dressed before I took Austin around my home. Like his, my house was secluded and if I wanted to go swimming naked in my large swimming pool, I could.

He looked from my large kitchen into my spacious living room. “You could get lost in this place.”

I leaned against my granite island. “I only spend time in my bedroom and the kitchen. I might as well live in a studio apartment.”

“Then why did you pick a house so large?”

I shrugged. “Privacy. I don’t have close neighbors, and I have the full run of the place. Besides, what else do I have to spend my money on?”

Austin bent down to kiss my shoulder. “You have me. You can buy me anything you want.”

“You can afford anything you want without me.”

“But now you have someone to buy gifts for like I do.”

I frowned. “Don’t buy me anything.”

“Too late.”

“What did you buy me?”

Austin reached into his pocket. “Hold out your hand.” In my palm, he placed a small round charm that had a design of an orange sun and palm tree.

I was puzzled. “What’s this?”

“It reminded me of our vacation together even though we weren’t together yet. I’ll buy you the bracelet to put it on, but I wanted to make sure you’d like it first.”

“I love it. Thank you.” I leaned in and kissed his cheek. The charm meant so much to me, and I held it tightly in my hand until we got back to the bedroom. I felt silly and giddy. Austin was in love with me, and I was sure I was in love with him though I was holding off from admitting that fact. Maybe I wasn’t an ice queen after all.

I pushed at Austin’s chest. “Let me go. I have to get up for work.”

Austin hovered above me. He had woken at 4:30 AM and latched his mouth on my bare nipple. It was a nice way to wake up, and after he spent several minutes kissing my body, we had sex. He was still inside me and holding me in place.

“You can spare a few minutes.”

He delicately rolled us, and I was on top. He was still erect, and I knew if I began to move, he could easily go again.

I kissed the tip of his nose. “I have a meeting today. I want to be ready.”

“You’re always ready.”

He wasn’t talking about work. He was talking about sex. I was always ready for him. Austin was the first man I let have his way with me. Even in college, I felt the need for the upper hand. My parents brought me up to be independent and have my own identity, but with him, I wanted to be us rather than me.

“I dream about you,” I said.

Austin crooked his eyebrow. “You do? What do you dream about?”

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