Page 33 of Hard as Stone

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“Is this exclusive?”

“For me, it is since I don’t date.”

“As long as we’re together, I’ll be exclusive. I don’t want to share you with anyone, and I don’t want to be with anyone else.”

Austin put his wet head on my legs, and I stroked his thick hair. I was starting to fall for this man, and that was dangerous. I was still afraid of losing my edge if love set in, and it wasn’t far off. A month of spending time with Austin made me see what I’d been missing for the past four years. It wasn’t just the sex; it was having someone in my life who cared.

I played with the hair at the nape of his neck. “I should go home tonight. I have work tomorrow.”

He kissed my thigh. “I can get up early and drive you home.”

“Don’t you have a class?”

“Not until ten. Why didn’t you bring clothes for work?”

“I did, but I should go home. My maid might think I was kidnapped.”

Austin laughed, and I felt the vibration of it on my skin. “You were, by me. I can come to your house if that makes you feel better. We don’t always need to stay here.”

I inwardly cringed. My home was my sanctuary, and the only one besides me that had set foot there was my maid. Even my parents hadn’t visited yet. If I invited Austin in, he would be the first person inside.

“Maybe next week.”

He lifted his head to look at me, “Why so secretive? When you got clothes yesterday, you made me wait in the car. Do you have some victims tied up in a closet or something?”

I scowled. “It’s complicated. I’m not used to having people in my home. Before you, I was alone. I don’t have friends. I’m not the touchy-feely type.”

“I beg to differ. You’re passionate and fiery in bed. You’re not selfish or inconsiderate.”

“But I can be. You just haven’t seen it.”

Austin reached up to cup my cheek. “Invite me to your home.”

“Not yet. Forgive me.”

The pinched look on his face told me he was hurt. “Sam, you need to open up sometime.”

“I was open once, and it got me nothing but heartache.”

“I won’t do that to you. Do you trust me?”

I shook my head because I did trust Austin to be careful with my fragile heart.

I slept at Austin’s that night, and though I wanted to, I was too sore to have sex. He held me in his arms while he molded his body around mine. My phone alarm woke us at five.

He grumbled as I reached over to shut the buzz off. “Why the hell are we getting up so early?”

“Because I like to be at the office by seven.”

He pushed my hair away from my neck to plant a kiss there. “You’re the damn CEO. You can go in whenever you want.”

“I need to set an example for my employees. I can’t stroll in the door at nine when I expect everyone at their desks by eight.”

Austin chuckled. “I would hate to work for you.”

“No, you wouldn’t.”

“Why do you say that?”

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