Page 102 of Hard as Stone

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I put my hand over my mouth. “That’s horrible.”

“It was, but at least the boys had us.”

There was so much Austin hadn’t told me. It would’ve been a mistake for us to get married without knowing each other’s pasts. He knew mine, but I knew very little about his. Edith was the one that was revealing things I never heard before.

“They were lucky.”

“You never talk about your parents.”

“I think they feel I’m a big disappointment. I’m not a doctor like them, and I never wanted to be.”

“You’ve accomplished so much.”

I sniffled. “It doesn’t matter; it’s not enough for them. They left me when I was a child while they traveled, taking care of people around the world.”

“You were by yourself?”

“I was with grandparents I barely knew. It’s why I do so much better when I’m alone. I’m used to it. Sometimes I wonder how good a mother I would’ve made since my own didn’t care much about me.”

“Austin said he thought you would’ve made a good mother.”

I froze with my wine glass in mid-air, “You didn’t tell him I was pregnant, did you?”

“Of course not. I wouldn’t betray your trust. He told me that before you got engaged.”

“I feel worse now that I had a miscarriage.”

“I didn’t mean to make you feel bad.”

“I just don’t want Austin to know.”

“I told you I wouldn’t say anything, although I think he should know.”

I shook my head and took a sip of my wine. We ate while Edith talked about visiting Roman for his daughter’s birthday. The little girl, Cindy, would be turning four in a couple of weeks. I would’ve given birth by now had I not miscarried. I wondered if I would’ve had a boy who looked like Austin with amber eyes and a gorgeous smile or a little girl who looked like me with golden hair and eyes the color of the Caribbean. I would never find out.

Chapter 15

By the start of autumn, I made my mind up. I didn’t want to be alone, and Austin was never coming back to me. It was time for me to look for someone I could spend my life with. Since my dating history was sparse and I wasn’t very good at choosing the right men, I went to a dating service.

Luxe Match was a company I found on the internet right here in Manhattan. They matched high powered and wealthy people with their perfect matches for a hefty monthly sum. I filled out my psychological and personality profile, hoping I wouldn’t be too hard to match. Anabella Barrington, one of the very pregnant partners of Luxe Match, interviewed me herself.

She was a pretty young woman with blonde hair and blue eyes. “Miss Stone, what exactly are you looking for in a mate?”

“Someone who isn’t too clingy. I like my independence, and I expect them to have their own. I don’t want to be attached at the hip. Intelligence is key and also a sense of adventure.”

“What about looks?”

“I prefer dark haired and light eyed men. Taller than me but I’m only five four, so I’m sure that won’t be an issue. They should care about working out. I like to work out a few times a week.”

“Any preference with career?”

“Yes. Someone who works in an office would be nice. Also, education is important to me. I have my MBA.”

“We have many men who fit your criteria. I can run your preferences through the system. Once we find matches, you can come in and chose which ones you’re interested in.”

I looked at the paper in my hands. “Your contract stated I get five dates?”

“Yes, or until you find someone you want to spend time with.”

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