Page 101 of Hard as Stone

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“He was getting ready to attack me.”

“We can figure that out.”

They hauled Dirk to his feet and pushed him out of the office to escort him from the building. I plopped down in my chair as the knowledge of how close I came to being attacked sunk in.

“Are you alright, Miss Stone?” Diane asked.

My breathing began to return to normal. “I will be. For now on, you need to sit in with me.”

“He deserved it. Fucking asshole.”

I plopped down in my chair. “Did he harass you?”

Diane was a very pretty young woman with auburn hair and hazel eyes. She couldn’t be more than twenty-three, and it wouldn’t surprise me that she faced her share of sexual advances.

She nodded. “He touched me inappropriately.”

“You never reported it?”

“I didn’t think they would believe me. Other women reported it to HR, and nothing was done.”

“I see I have a bigger problem than just upper management.”

“I’ve worked here for a couple of years, and not a lot was done.”

“I’m going to need your help. I was hired to clean this nonsense up.”

By September, I’d cleaned up a good part of the problem at Charge. Charles Amick and the rest of the board were thrilled that I was restoring the reputation of the fifty-year-old company. I spent long hours in my office, putting out fires and making deals.

My entire attitude had changed, living in Manhattan. I dressed better and still commanded the respect I deserved, even with showing a hint of cleavage or wearing a form-fitting skirt or dress. My employees didn’t fear or hate me. I was a better version of myself.

Austin never came out to visit Edith in August. He was busy with preparations for his wedding in December. It pained me that he planned to get married the same month we had. I had no idea why he would do that. I asked Edith when I took her out to lunch.

“Jessie wanted a winter wedding. She wanted to wear a long-sleeved dress and have a Christmas theme. Austin seems open to whatever she wants. I wish you would come with me.”

“I can’t. I’m happy for him, but I don’t want to see him married.”

Edith gently banged her small fist on the table, jarring the silverware. “If you would just tell him you still love him.”

“I couldn’t do that. He’s happy. What kind of person would I be if I barged in and wrecked that?”

“I don’t think he’s happy. He gave up with you.”

“I don’t know why.”

“You hurt him, and he’s stubborn. He gets it from his mother’s side.”

I laughed at that since Edith was on Austin’s paternal side.

She joined me. “It’s true. If his mother hadn’t nagged, my Clayton would still be alive.”

“I’m sorry, I’m at a loss here.”

“Did Austin tell you anything about his past life?”

“I didn’t want to pry. I thought it was too painful for him.”

“Marlene wanted to go to some art show in Long Island. She nagged Clayton until he agreed. The roads were slippery, and they plowed across the divider and into a truck. They were killed instantly. I only thank God the boys weren’t with them.”

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