Page 53 of Broken By Love

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I don’t eat much and take my food, shrimp scampi, back to the office. At least I won’t have to cook tonight. JC comments, and I tell him I had a big breakfast even though I had no breakfast or dinner the night before. He knows me to well to know that if I don’t eat, something is really bothering me.

We part ways at my office, and I shove the container of food in the small refrigerator in the corner. I spend the rest of the afternoon immersed in working on copy. It helps take my mind off things until it’s time to leave for the night. I don’t relish spending time in our empty loft, and I silently curse Noah as I walk to the subway.

Chapter 11

At the loft that night and after dinner, I’m bored. My mind starts to drift to the letters that Noah has been receiving. Who could the letters be from? Though I know it’s wrong, I go to his office. He rarely locks his desk as I found out the last time I went looking for some tape. However, this time, all the drawers are locked.

There’s a tin box on the desk where Noah keeps his stamps, and I take a chance that the key would be in there, it is. My hands shake as I unlock the top middle drawer. In it, I find the envelopes with the letters. I hate doing this, but my curiosity and fear get the best of me. The paper used is pink and lined. I unfold the first one and begin reading.


It was so nice to meet you finally. I was never told much about you and I’ve often wondered what you’re like. Having dinner with you was much appreciated, and your offer to finance my studies is too. I don’t need the funds since I was left an inheritance by my grandfather. Do you remember him? I heard he didn’t like you very much. It was yet another reason why I was hesitant to contact you. Now that he passed, I think I have a right to know things that were kept from me. I’m coming to New York to take a tour of NYU in a few weeks. Please let me know if we can get together.


Who is Rory? I had never heard Noah mention anyone by that name. From the sounds of it, this is a lost relative. I slip the letter back in the envelope and pick up the other one. My hands are still shaking, and I need to put the letter on the desk, so I don’t make myself dizzy reading it.


My mother wants to see you again. I didn’t think she would, but her eyes lit up when I told her I’d been in contact with you. She asked me all kinds of questions. I think we can start emailing, texting, and calling without worry. You mentioned you could visit Boston in early June, is that still a possibility? If it is, please let me know when you’ll be here. I’m so excited to see you again.


My stomach started to turn. It was early June now. Noah never told me where he was going for the trip with his client. Could it be that he lied to me? Now the letter I first read makes sense. I think Rory is Noah’s daughter. I shove the letter back into the envelope, put it in the drawer, and lock it.

I don’t know how to feel about what I just read. It bothers me greatly that Noah didn’t think he should tell me about this as soon as he found out. If this is his daughter, then she was born when he was barely out of his teens. Noah just turned thirty-five, so that means he was about eighteen or nineteen. Why hadn’t he mentioned this before?

I realized that I haven’t heard from him since this morning. He usually texts me to let me know when he arrived, and if he’s alright. I run off a quick text, and I’m surprised when he gets back to me immediately.

I’m fine. Tonight was busy with my clients. I should be settling into bed soon, and I’ll text you then.

I want to ask for more information, like where he is and who he’s with, but I resist. I need to allow him time to explain, and I’m hoping that I don’t have to pry to get straight answer.

I end up doing something I rarely do, turn on the television. Flipping through the channels keeps my mind occupied and not thinking of the answers I want to hear from Noah. The ringing of my phone wakes me up; I must have dozed off. I shake the sleep out of my head, glad to see that he’s calling me instead of texting.


“Yes, baby. I’m sorry I didn’t let you know I was okay when we landed. It’s been crazy today. The client’s wife left her carry-on behind and I had to send Tom to get it at the airport. Then she said some jewelry was missing. So after all the filing of reports and I’m beat.”

“You never told me where you were going.”

“I thought I did. We’re in Vancouver.”


“No, Canada.”

“Oh, so it must be dinner hour there.”

“It is, but Tom is handling it. It’s the first test I’m giving him. I’ll head down after I’m done talking to you. I needed a break. The client has four children, all under the age of ten. Not easy to keep them in line.”

We chat about a few other trivial things, and questions abound at the tip of my tongue but it’s not the time for them. We can talk when Noah gets home. I end the call with him by telling him I love him, but he doesn’t return the sentiment. I hang up feeling a sense of foreboding.

The next day my mind is not on my work. Nikki has come in to go over some directives and has had to keep pulling me out of my thoughts.

“What’s with you today, Alexa?”

“I’m just a bit tired. I didn’t sleep very well.”

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