Page 47 of Broken By Love

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“So, have you decided what you’re doing for your birthday?”

“Not really. I think Noah has plans, but he won’t tell me. I hope that he doesn’t have to travel around that time.”

“That would suck. I’ll make you a deal; if he’s away, I’ll take you out.”

“JC, that’s not necessary. I’m sure my family will want to see me.”

“You’d rather spend your thirtieth birthday with your family then me? I’m insulted.”

I stare at the serious look on his face, and he bursts out laughing.

“You’re a jerk.”

“Yeah, but you love me anyway.”

“I wouldn’t go that far.”

“Admit you at least like me.”

“Fine, I like you in the least.”

“Clever, Lexi.”

We spend the next hour talking about the old times.

The door to the pool house is open, and I can hear them yelling and having a good time. I don’t want to seem like a mother hen and check to see if Noah is drinking. I have to trust that he isn’t as he promised.

I decide to sit by the pool and dangle my feet in the cool water. It’s still hot out and the water feels good on my bare legs. JC sits near me and jokes around, trying to push me in the pool. I finally get pissed at him, stand up, lose my balance and end up in the pool with a huge splash.

He’s laughing so hard he doubles over, and I see my chance to get him back by tugging on his arm, pulling him in. He doesn’t look happy, but then he doesn’t seem to mind and takes off his shirt revealing his lean muscular torso. I pull off my shirt and swim in my bra and shorts.

Climbing onto the diving board, I notice he can’t take his eyes off me. I wonder why he’s staring. I dive off and swim for a few more minutes before I start to feel cold. I tell JC that I’m going to change and when I get into the bathroom, I realize why he was staring at me. My plain white cotton bra is see-through! I can see my nipples perfectly through the wet fabric.

My face turns crimson when I think of the eyeful I gave him. As much as I’m trying not to entice him, it’s happening inadvertently. I feel violated but it’s not his fault.

Chapter 10

The second part of the weekend goes a little better. Noah and I don’t have another argument, and he won another two hundred dollars, not that he needs the money. On Monday, mid-afternoon, we prepare to leave. I want to get home before all the traffic backs up. I seriously am not in the mood for a grumpy Noah.

We quickly pack out stuff and say goodbye. I tell JC and Nikki that I’ll see them bright and early the next morning. Noah makes plans to hang out with Hunter sometime. They’re like best buddies now. Who would have thought that my current fiancé would become friends with my ex-fiancé’s brother?

On the way home, Noah can’t stop talking about what a great time he had. It’s funny because he doesn’t have many friends except for Brice, his brother Lucian and Pavel, his accountant. I’m waiting for him to ask what I talked to JC about, but he never does. I’m a little annoyed that he doesn’t show the slightest bit of jealousy now when he did before.

The sounds and sights of the city are welcomed and very different from our weekend. Horns blare, taxis barrel down the avenues, and pedestrians are walking the streets enjoying the fantastic weather.

At our building, he drops me off and leaves to park the car. I get the mail, and there’s another one of those letters with the girly script and no return address. This time the postmark is from Massachusetts. I wonder if this is what Noah has to discuss with me.

I don’t want to invade Noah’s privacy, but when I get upstairs, I hold the envelope up to the light hoping I could get a clue as to who might be the sender. I can’t see anything, and I get startled when Noah enters, dropping the mail on the floor.

He scoops it up and pages through it, handing the envelopes addressed to me, then heads to his office. I want to ask about the letter, but he’ll tell me when he’s ready. I hear him on the phone a few minutes later. When I come to his office door, he hangs up quickly. It’s very unlike Noah to be secretive.

“I have to leave town on Wednesday morning.”

“What? So soon.”

“Yes, Brice scheduled a client, and I need to train Tom Devoe, one of the new guys. It’s only until Saturday. Once he and the other guy are trained, you can have me all to yourself.”

“I guess I better find something to do when my bout of insomnia hits.”

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