Page 43 of Broken By Love

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“But you have almost all of that now, well except for the kids.”

“Brianna doesn’t want kids, and I’m not with the person I want to share all of that with.”

“I wish things were different, but they’re not.”

“I guess it could be worse. I could be Hunter, pretending to love my job and hating it. I know he’s miserable, but he loves the money too much to start out from scratch with another company.”

“But he has experience. He wouldn’t be starting from the bottom.”

“He thinks that he’ll be looked upon as getting his position because he knew the boss. Hunter is too proud to deal with that assumption. He would rather stay where he is.”

“Why didn’t you ever work for your father?”

“You’re kidding, right? You saw how he treated me in high school. That stupid debate contest we lost. He went crazy like I was going in front of a firing squad for losing. It was embarrassing and I told myself I would never work for him, ever.”

“It was years ago. Is he still like that?”

“He’s worse if you ask me. I’m not quite sure how my mother deals with him, probably because he’s away so much. Mom is free to do whatever she wants.”

“I always liked your mother.”

“She loved you. I don’t think she’s forgiven me for breaking up with you.”

“She doesn’t like Brianna?”

“Not a bit. She thinks Brianna is a spoiled brat, which isn’t far from the truth. Her father gave her whatever she wanted. I can’t afford the lifestyle she wants. Noah seems like he’s pretty well off.”

“How would you know that from looking at him?”

“Hunter was discussing investments with him and told me. Noah has quite an extensive portfolio, including real estate holdings.”

“His grandfather got his start in real estate. He bought several rundown buildings around the city many years ago. The Wilton family still owns and manages buildings like the one we live in.”

“Oh? So, you get a family discount?”

“I’m not sure. Noah insisted when I moved in that he would take care of all the bills involved with our general living expenses. I wanted to contribute, but he wouldn’t hear of it.”

“That’s pretty generous of him.”

“That’s the way Noah is. He’s always been kind and generous to me.”

“Where did you meet him?”

“Richards was doing a marketing campaign for his company. I handled it, and by the end, he asked me out.”

“He waited until the end?”

“Not really. He asked me out before, but I told him when our business is concluded, I’ll decide.”

“A bit arrogant of you, wasn’t it?”

“Not at all. I didn’t want to mix business with pleasure. A protocol I want to continue to follow.”

JC smirks at me as he turns to take plastic cups from the cabinet.

“Can you try this and make sure it tastes okay?”

I nod, and he hands me a cup with a small amount of the Mimosa mixture. It’s sweet and tasty.

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