Page 40 of Broken By Love

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This is my chance to get back into bed and I do. I snuggle under the sheet and pretend I’m sleeping. I feel the bed depress with the weight of Noah and then he turns out the light. He strokes my hair and I suddenly feel depressed, then the tears come, silent at first but turn into sobs.

“No, Lexi, don’t cry. I was an ass.”

“Noah, how could you talk to me that way,” I whisper through my sobs.

He pulls me against his chest, and I inhale the scent of his skin.

“I was drunk and stupid. I have some things going on that I can’t tell you about now. I need to work them out and then we’ll sit down and talk.”

I’m tired and satisfied with his explanation. He cuddles me against him in his strong arms and I fade to sleep. When I wake up, the sunlight flooding the room, Noah’s no longer in bed. I check my watch and it’s nearly 11:30 AM. I haven’t slept this late since I was with JC in college.

My normal routine for Sundays is to get up early, make coffee and read the paper. Then I work on bills and finally a few hours of housework. Ever since Noah and I moved in together, he handles all the bills related to the loft and I handle any bills related to me. I protested that I wanted to contribute but he wouldn’t hear of it. So, my bills are minimal except for my college loan which is almost paid off anyway.

I stretch and just as I’m about to get out of bed, Noah comes into the room with a tray. It has pancakes, bacon and orange juice on it. He’s got a smile from ear to ear and so do I. It’s been ages since he made me breakfast in bed, but I guess he really feels horrible with how he treated me.

“I might just forgive you if the pancakes are good.”

“JC made them, and the juice is fresh squeezed.”

He puts the tray on the bed next to me and I pick up the glass of juice. It tastes wonderful and Noah put in ice cubes. I love my juice cold and always put a few cubes of ice. I taste the pancakes and they’re wonderful, chocolate chip with slices of banana on the side. The bacon is crispy, greasy and salty. Just the perfect mix to counteract the sweetness of the chocolate.

I’d like to give credit to Noah for this, but I know it’s all JC. These were always the types of breakfasts he made for me when I was angry at him for staying out to late with his buddies. After all these years, he still remembers.

“This is delicious.”

My hunger is voracious, and I shovel food in my mouth not worrying about what a pig I must look like. I’ve been lucky my whole life not to gain weight with the way I eat. But I’m going to be thirty in a couple of months, and I need to start being more careful.

Noah sits on the bed next to me and takes a napkin to wipe at a dab of syrup on my chin. I can see how apologetic his eyes are. He is trying to make up for the horrible way he treated me.

“Lexi, can you forgive me for the way I acted?”

“Noah, it’s forgotten but you promised to tell me what’s been going on with you.”

“Give me some time and I will. I need to get everything together.”

I really start to wonder what the problem is. I hope he’s not sick or having money issues. If it is money, I make a good salary and can help. If he’s sick, I hope he tells me soon.

“How long do I have to wait?”

“Not long, you have my word.”

I finish breakfast and he took the tray away which gives me some time to freshen up in the bathroom. I take a long shower. The shower heads have different settings and I get involved playing with them until Noah comes in to see what’s taking me so long. I show him and he smiles.

“You’re acting like a little kid.”

“We should get one of these.”

“That shower head costs about eight hundred dollars.”

“Eight hundred dollars? For one shower head?”

“Yes, I priced it when we were renovating the master bath.”

“I think we can survive with the one we have.”

“Good. Now do you mind getting out of there so we can go downstairs?”

I stick my tongue out at him and he raises his eyebrows.

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