Page 19 of Broken By Love

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I sipped at my wine, waiting for something to save us from the awkward silence when I heard my name called. Turning, I saw one of my friends from Richards, Jillian Salazar. She sauntered over with her husband, Damon, in tow.

“Lexi, it’s so nice to see you! We miss you at the office. The replacement for you is horrible. Has the personality of a piece of cardboard.”

“How’s Noah?” I saw her eyeing JC.

“Jillian and Damon, this is my boss, JC Lawson.”

Jillian’s eyes grew wide as her husband shook JC’s hand. She was cold, probably because I had told her some horrible stories about him over the years.

“JC, nice to meet you.”

We exchanged small talk for a few minutes before our meals arrived, and Jillian left with Damon. JC took a bite of his veal scaloppini and looked up at me.

“You told her about me, didn’t you?”

“What are you talking about? Told her what?”

“I saw the look she gave me. She was so cold to me that I know you told her something.”

“Oh, it just can’t be that she didn’t drop her panties at the old Lawson charm, so I must have said something, right?”

“That’s not what I mean…she was pretty rude.”

“I might have mentioned you over the years. I don’t remember. I did work at Richards for several years.”

“I’m sure you said something.”

I sipped my wine, ate some of my chicken, and avoided making eye contact with him. I didn’t feel like getting indigestion, but I could feel the dark cloud hanging over us.

“JC, I’m sorry if you feel I should’ve just bottled up my feelings. I was hurt in more than one way. I didn’t realize before then that someone who said they loved you could ruin a good thing.”

His mouth twisted. “I can’t keep apologizing for what I did. It was years ago. I think I’m paying for it now, don’t you? I gave up someone who would’ve treated me well for a business proposition.”

“That was your choice. Does Brianna see it as a business dealing?”

“I doubt it. Two of her friends are married, and she loves that she’s part of the club. Married to an older, good looking successful man as she puts it.”

“Does she love you?”

“I don’t know. We don’t sleep in the same bed. She said I snore and move around too much during the night.”

I remember well finding myself at the edge of the bed many a night. JC was a mover in his sleep. We only had room for a full bed in our small apartment, not nearly enough space. At times I would take a blanket and sleep on the many pillows we had in the living room area instead of fighting for bed real estate.

“You do move around. I don’t remember you snoring, though.”

Another awkward pause in conversation allowed me to finish eating most of my piccata. It was the best meal I had in the two days Noah was gone. I was stuffed and leaned back in my chair. JC had also finished his meal, and the waiter came over to clear our plates.

“Do you want dessert? They have cheesecake.”

“No, I think I’ve had enough. Sitting at the desk all day is going to make me gain weight if I keep eating this way.”

“You have a sexy little figure. I think it’s even better than when we were together.”

I could feel the blush heating my face.

“JC, you really shouldn’t say things like that.”

“Why? It’s true. You’re still sexy, even more so now that you’ve matured.”

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