Page 14 of Broken By Love

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“Yes, but they wouldn’t be able to give the attention to detail that JC and I could.”

The phone went silent for a few seconds. “You were alone in the office with JC?”

“He was working on the project with me. I thought you said you weren’t worried about him.”

“I’m not, but when you and your former fiance are working late, reminiscing about the old days, things can happen.”

Noah could read my mind.

“Don’t you trust me? All we did was work, no reminiscing.”

“I trust you. I don’t trust JC. Anyway, I want to let you know I might be out of communication tomorrow. My client and his family want to go to the beach, then to some villa in the hills to have dinner with a relative. Not sure how the comms will be up there.”

“I miss you, Noah. I know I won’t sleep well until you get back.”

I could hear the smile in his voice. “You want me to sing you to sleep?”

It was a running joke we had. When we first got together and were living apart, I called JC at 3:00 AM. I couldn’t sleep and instead of getting angry that I woke him, he sang to me until I fell asleep. That’s when I realized Noah was the one. A month later, he asked me to marry him.

“If I were home, I would say yes.”

“You could talk to me until you get home.”

I felt a pang of love go through me. It was just like Noah to say that.

“I would love to, but I have a feeling once I get on the train, we’ll lose connection.”

“Very well. It’s an early night tonight. My client is just hanging around in the hotel. If you want to talk, call me when you get home. I love you, Lexi.”

“Love you too.”

Not realizing, I kept the phone to my ear even after Noah clicked off. I wanted to be closer to him. When the train arrived, I dropped it into my purse. By the time I got home, I was ready to fall into bed. I undressed and slipped under the cool sheets naked.

Sometime around 4:00 AM, my eyes sprang open. It took me some time to realize that Noah was not in bed next to me. It felt lonely not to have him here. I tried to go back to sleep but was getting nowhere and decided to take a shower. I knew I would probably be a wreck by the time the end of the day came with such little sleep.

In the bathroom, I turned on all three showerheads. Noah had designed this bathroom with luxury in mind. The stall was double the size of a regular one with two walls of glass. The three showerheads included one overhead, providing different types of water streams. I took extra time, enjoying the heat as it loosened up my tired muscles.

I always kept the shelves near the tiled shower seat stocked with all kinds of shampoos, body washes, and soaps. Today, I felt like using a citrus shampoo and a lemon-scented body wash. It woke me up and made me feel refreshed. In no time, I was wide awake.

After I wrapped myself in Noah’s thick white terry cloth robe, I made a strong cup of coffee and sipped it while I watched the dawn come over Central Park, illuminating the greenery in fiery reds and yellows. I loved living in Manhattan. There was so much to do and see, even in the wee hours of the morning.

My next decision was what to wear. We would be meeting a client today, and I wanted to look all business. I searched my side of the walk-in closet for just the right outfit, a gray pantsuit with a white silk blouse. I went to the bathroom and blew dry my hair. I thought about curling it but wasn’t in the mood.

Quick addition of some mascara, blush and lipstick made me ready for the day. I grabbed my phone and noticed a text message from JC. I wondered how he got my cell number since I never gave it to him.

Are you ready for today? I hope so. I couldn’t sleep at all last night.

I decided against texting him back. I would see him in less than two hours. I took my time filling my travel mug with coffee. This would have to be it for the day. Too much coffee made me jittery, and today wasn’t the day to be hopping around from foot to foot when we were presenting to clients.

The weather was warm even for this time of the morning. New York was experiencing a blast of hot weather for so early in the year; it was only nearing the end of May. I started to sweat in my suit when walking to the subway and I quickly checked my purse to make sure I had a stick of deodorant. I hoped that they had switched to air conditioning in the building; it certainly was warm enough for it.

JC’s office door was open when I strode in at 8:00 AM. It was still early, and most of the office staff was not in yet. I hung up my things and went to his office, stopping at the door to watch him as he worked on his laptop. His thick brown hair was neatly combed to the side and he was wearing his frameless glasses. I called his name.

He looked up and smiled at me. “Come in, sit. You look nice.”

“Thanks, so do you.”

It had to say that no matter what JC wore, he looked nice. He would come home sweaty and dirty from games of basketball or baseball in the park and he was sexy. Another memory I tried to purge from my brain.

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