Page 108 of Broken By Love

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Good, the bitch. She knew what she was doing, and I hope her heart is in shreds.


I silently finish my dinner, and for good measure, leave it on the table for him to clean up. My days of being nice are over. If Noah wants me back, he’s going to have to earn it.

The next few days go well, at work and home. Noah is overly attentive though I’m still not allowing him back in our bed or to touch me. I did permit him to kiss my cheek before he retired to the guest room on Friday night.

Now here it is Saturday at 6:00 AM, and I can hear him taking a shower in the master bath. I feel much better physically. Emotionally, I’m healing but I still can feel the sting of the slap in the face I received on Monday. I need a girlfriend to talk to and I know that Megan will freak out if I say anything. Olivia is coming back to live in Manhattan in two weeks. I wish she were here now.

Olivia has been my best friend since we were seven. She has always been there for me. I lived with her after the breakup with JC. We had a great time until she got transferred to California. I’m thrilled that she’s coming back. She’s a computer programmer and is giving up a great job with Google to come back here.

The last time I saw her was five months ago, which is much too long. If she weren’t on vacation in Australia for almost the last month, I’d spend an hour pouring my heart out to her. Oh well, two more weeks and she’ll be here. I need her anyway because she’s my maid of honor.

Noah comes out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist, hair dripping a little in the back. He smiles at me as he passes through the bedroom to get dressed in the guest room. I’m glad he’s giving me my space. I’m still not sure we’re going to make it.

I take a quick shower and pull on a pair of cut-off jean shorts and a blue polo shirt. The shirt buttons open down to the middle of my chest, and I make sure to wear a bra that creates cleavage. Noah hates this shirt and I’m sure I’m going to get a dirty look but too bad. I know I’m being immature, but I want to make him jealous.

Sure enough, when I come into the kitchen, I see the look he’s giving me but it’s not one of anger; it’s one of lust. We haven’t had sex in more than a week. Of course, he last had sex on Monday. I ignore him and pour some coffee in my travel mug. I can see his reflection in the frosted glass of the cabinets and his eyes are centered on my ass.

I miss him sleeping in our bed, but I’m angry and confused. I want things the way they were a month ago when all the distractions we have now didn’t exist. I want my old Noah back. I can’t look at him because I’m afraid I’ll give in and want him to make love to me. Instead, I walk to the bedroom to get my purse.

“Ready to go?”

“Yes. Can I make a request? You can say no.”

“Sure, what is it?”

“Can I kiss you?”

“Talk to me tonight.”

I see his face fall, and my heart clenches. I feel bad but I know I need to be strong. Noah needs to realize that he has a lot of making up to do.

By the time we get to Megan’s apartment, everyone is there. Hunter and Noah greet each other as if they’re old friends. He nods at JC, and when he’s not looking, JC strokes my arm. I can see him from the corner of my eye looking at my cleavage. If Noah saw, he would blow a gasket, but I want to have some fun.

Megan’s place is a relatively large one bedroom with a big picture window that faces the street. It’s an open floor plan which means that except for the bedroom and bathroom that have doors, it’s one big space. The kitchen is along the wall as you enter but has a nice sized black granite island. The floors gleam with fresh varnish and the walls have just been painted a bright linen white.

Between all of us, her car is unpacked within twenty minutes, and two minutes after that, Lucian walks in. He got his hair cut since we saw him a week ago. When he kisses me hello, he tells me he wants to talk. I can only imagine why.

We sit around on the floor and granite island eating donuts that Hunter brought and drinking coffee. The moving company is a half-hour late. The apartment Megan shared with Jeremy was filled with half her furniture including the king-sized bed. I guess he’s sleeping on the floor now.

The truck comes, and Lucian, JC, Hunter and Megan head downstairs while I fill my travel mug. When I turn, Noah is there and his hand sweeps down the bare skin of my chest right in between my breasts. His fingers linger there and I’m becoming heated.

“No,” I whisper and push his hand away.

“Lexi, are we ever going to be the same?”

“Give me time.”

We break apart as Megan comes through the door leading the way for the moving men. She directs them where to put each piece of furniture with the organized nature that she’s had since we were kids. I back against the counter to avoid getting in the way and watch as they place each piece of furniture where she points.

Lucian brushes against my hand and startles me. I glance over at Noah, who is helping one of the moving men center the large square coffee table just right.

“I want to talk to you,” Lucian whispers as he gestures to the hall.

I follow him before Noah sees us, and we go through the heavy steel door marked “stairs.”

“I know what happened. Vivian told me. My brother is an asshole.”

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