Page 66 of Ignite

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She took a quick shower and met Tim for lunch at a small café near her apartment. She hugged him tightly and apologized for her lack of communication the past week. She had been so busy that she lost track of time. Ava had no idea that Tim was tracking her every move and he knew exactly where she was.

When they parted, she promised to contact him more frequently and said they should pick a time to have dinner. He was dismayed that she had lied to him. He knew exactly where she was. She went to that bar several times a week and spent several evenings at a certain apartment until very late at night. She was more than likely screwing around with someone. His well thought out plan was unraveling before it even got their relationship started. He had thought that she would come running into his arms the very evening he sent that damaging email.

Instead, she was running out to bars and fucking anonymous strangers. He even tracked her to her uncle’s house the day before. He was looking forward to joining her at their barbecue, but she never asked him. He would have to step up his efforts to win her back. That night he saw that she was texting her cousin Dani about going to a club. He had heard of the club; it was called Ember. It was also very exclusive, how did she think she was going to get in? What's more, how was he going to be able to watch her?

What he didn’t know was that her family was always on the VIP list because Ember was owned by Nico Poulos and since he was Samantha’s brother, entry was not a problem for any of the Keenes. Ava had never been there before and was curious about going. She knew that Dani had gone several times with her new boyfriend, Roger.

Tim saw that Dani agreed to go with Ava to the club and he wondered if he would be able to get inside. Wouldn’t Ava be surprised when she saw him there? She had texted Dani that they could meet in front of Ember at 10:00 PM. He checked the Ember website to see what he should wear. Maybe he could convince the bouncer to let him in if he offered him a little bit of free product.

He arrived at 9:30 and was sent to the back of the line. This did not sit well with him. He kept checking his phone as he waited and saw the GPS track Ava to the front door. He slipped under the ropes and practically ran up to the front of the long line hoping to catch her. By the time he got there, she was already in the club.

Ava met Dani and Roger at Ember right on time. The line was around the corner, and they were hoping they wouldn’t have to wait in it. As they are always VIPs, the bouncer gave them immediate entry. The music was so loud that Ava could feel it pounding through her body. They were escorted by the hostess up to a VIP lounge far away from the throngs of people fighting to get to the bar. The lounge had its own bar and extra bartenders.

A waitress came by immediately and took their order. Ava ordered a vodka and cranberry as lately, she had grown accustomed to drinking vodka. Dani raised her eyebrows when she placed her order because she had only know Ava to drink light cosmos or gin and tonics.

“Going for the hard stuff, aren’t you, cuz?”

“Every so often I like a nice cold glass of vodka.” “So often” had become an every night occurrence for the past two weeks.

When the waitress brought her drink, she downed most of it in one shot as if she was drinking a glass of milk. She pulled at Dani to go down to the dance floor. Roger waved them off saying he would watch. She took Dani’s hand and pushed her way through the crowd until she found a small piece of real estate. Ava began to move with the music, and Dani followed suit. Before long, several men had joined in their gyrations.

Ava was interested in one man in particular, and when they got tired, she invited him up to the VIP lounge. She grabbed his hand as they made their way upstairs. Again, Dani was surprised at her cousin’s behavior. This wasn’t the Ava she knew. The Ava she knew would have been a wallflower and wanted to sit all night. She wasn’t sure if she should be alarmed or impressed.

Ava introduced the man as Gino to Roger and Dani. She sat close to him on the couch, and he ordered drinks for the table when the waitress came around. Dani kept her eye on Ava because she was decidedly alarmed at the way she was acting. She was also drinking a lot more than Dani had ever seen her drink.

Two hours into being at the club and Ava was drunk and tripping over her own feet. She made out with Gino and then Dani heard her invite him back to her apartment.

“You’re drunk. You aren’t inviting him to your apartment,” Dani told her.

“I can do whatever I want,” Ava said with slurred speech.

“You can, but not tonight.” Dani went over to one of the security men standing at the top of the stairs and had a conversation with him. He came over and asked Gino to leave the VIP lounge since he was no longer an invited guest. While they were removing him down one stairway, Dani and Roger were helping Ava down the opposite one.

They practically carried her to a cab and Roger pushed her in after Dani. They gave the driver her address and by the time they arrived she was asleep with her head on Dani’s shoulder. Roger was tall and lanky, but he was strong. He carried her up to her apartment and laid her in bed.

“You might want to leave the room for this,” Dani said to Roger as she started to undress Ava. He politely sat on the couch in the living room, petting Riley and Boomer while Dani got her cousin ready for bed.

The next morning, Labor Day, Ava woke up with one of the worst hangovers she had ever had. The pain felt like someone was using her head as a drum. She sat up and noticed she was in her underwear, yet she had no recollection of how she got to her apartment. What the hell had happened last night? She remembered going out with Dani and the rest was a blur.

She checked her phone and noticed a text message from a Gino. Who was Gino? Whoever he was he wanted her to meet him at Ember next Friday. She decided to text him back asking who he was. He sent her a picture along with his text and she started to remember bits and pieces of the night before. She had danced with him and kissed him. He was handsome enough, and she agreed to meet him next week. She put the phone down and went back to bed. Maybe she could sleep off this hangover.

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