Page 60 of Ignite

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Chapter 17

Ava arrivedat JFK around 6:30 PM. She had tried to sleep on the plane, but she was too nervous. As soon as she got into baggage claim, she checked her messages. There were several from Tim, and she realized that she hadn’t paid attention to her phone most of the weekend. She immediately texted Xander to let him know that she had landed safely. After she had got into a cab, she texted Tim to let him know that she had been away for the weekend. He started to question her and tried to call, but she was so tired she didn’t have the energy to get involved. She would worry about it later.

Back at her apartment, she showered and called Gage’s cell phone to thank him for taking care of Boomer and Riley. They were thrilled to have her back and sat on the vanity in the bathroom while she showered. After she had fed them, she sat on the couch and flipped through her mail. They snuggled up next to her, and she gave them the attention they had missed while she was away. Again Tim tried to call her, and she let it go to voicemail. My, he is persistent.

Ava went to bed shortly before 9:00 PM. She was exhausted, and she was sure that tomorrow she would be busy. Victoria would surely pile the work on her since more than likely there would be plenty.

The next morning she woke up feeling groggy. It was five, and she noticed she had forgotten to set her alarm. Luckily she had woken up, or she would have been late. Victoria would have had a fit.

The weather would cool while she was away and it seemed even more oppressive than when she had left. She dressed in a sleeveless silk blouse and an above the knee length skirt. She put her hair in a ponytail and caught a cab to the office. She was in no mood to deal with the subway especially if there was a chance that it was crowded.

Victoria arrived later than usual, and Ava sat at her desk typing a text to Tim. She let him know that she would be free for lunch sometime this week if he wanted to hang out. She couldn’t wait for a reply because Victoria buzzed her desk phone and it was off to the races.

* * *

Tim woke up late, more so than usual. It would be the last week for him to sleep late. Next week he had to start preparing his lesson plans and getting things ready for the new school year. He already had gotten most of it done but the administrator needed to approve the plans, or he would have to rework them. He was annoyed at Ava. She revealed very little of her weekend trip to him. He knew she was in Los Angeles because he tracked her phone.

She had texted him about having lunch sometime this week. That wasn’t going to work for him. He needed to be around her as much as possible this week so he could get his hands on her phone. He had scoured the internet for just the right applications to use for his plans. He had been negligent by not taking the opportunity while she was in the hospital to install them. Now he would have to scramble to find the opportunity to do it.

He texted her back about having lunch tomorrow and maybe going for a run today after work. Tim waited for a response, and when he received none, he went to take a shower. He had an appointment with his supplier. He needed to make sure that he would have a steady stream of product to keep him well stocked throughout to the school year. He wouldn’t just be selling around the area clubs anymore.

After he had arrived back from his meeting, he noticed a missed call from Ava. He had shut his phone off because the supplier was a squirrely bastard and insisted. She wanted to go for a run today, and he had just enough time to get changed and meet her in the park. Maybe he could talk her into going to dinner tonight or letting him use the bathroom at her apartment. He needed a few short minutes alone with her phone to do what he needed to do.

Ava waited in the park, stretching. She slipped her phone out of the Camelbak’s side pocket and noticed that it had condensation on it. She wiped it on her shirt. It was so hot that the chill of the water had caused the residue.

When Tim got to the park, she gave him the opportunity he wanted. She gave him the phone to put in his waist pack. She didn’t want to ruin her phone by it getting wet. They ran a little over a mile when Tim started complaining of stomach cramps. He needed to use the restroom, and they headed over to one of the park’s restroom pavilions.

Ava sat on a nearby bench and slipped the Camelback off her shoulders. She reached into the side pocket and panicked, then remembered she had given her phone to Tim to hold. She would have to wait for him to get out of the bathroom to check her messages.

Tim ran into one of the men’s room stalls for privacy and took out her phone. He downloaded the apps that he wanted to use and set them as hidden. He had found this trick on a website. She would never know the apps were installed and he could track everything she did with her phone. He also checked her text messages with Xander. The guy was pouring it on thick. He would soon put an end to that.

He ran out of the bathroom and found Ava sitting on a nearby bench. She asked him if he was feeling better, and he said he was, but he really should go home before another wave hit. In reality, he wanted to get his phone set up to track everything that she texted, emailed and the numbers she called. He fished out her phone, handing it to her as they walked out of the park together. They made a date for lunch the next day, and he waved goodbye as he dropped her off at her building.

At home, he set up the tracking on his phone by inputting her phone number. He just knew she would never find the apps since he had hidden them. She had told him she wasn’t very good at technology. The next thing he needed to do was compose two emails. One email spoofed to her from Xander, and one email spoofed to Xander from her. He had to make them both so devastating that they would never contact one another. If they did then, his plan would go awry.

Ava was sensitive to being used, and that was the tilt he was going to use for her email. She had told him that Xander carried around a lot of guilt from the accident and that was what Tim would use to hit him. If it worked the way he thought it would, neither would reach out to the other. Then he could step in and claim her for his own. He was good at writing letters. He wrote several to his former wife’s mother when she was sick. They were all bullshit, but it made the woman feel better to know he was taking care of her daughter when he wasn’t.

He lit a joint and puffed at it. Normally he didn’t smoke his product, but his nerves were on edge. It calmed him and right now he was overly excited that he was getting closer to her being his for good. He sat down at his desk and booted up his laptop. He wanted to get started right away on the emails. He had a few days before he would send them.

* * *

Ava saton her couch before she showered so she could text Xander. Being away from him was torture especially after the weekend they had.

Areyou up for something tonight?

I’m notsure what you mean by that?

Don't you? Are you sure you have no idea?

You’re goingto have to clarify for me, please.

I want phone sex. If I can’t have you physically with me, then I will have to take the lesser. Do you want to play?

You don’t haveto ask again. I’m already rising to the occasion just thinking about it. Do you want to do it now? I just got out of the shower.

It’s a little early; I said tonight. It helps put me to sleep when we do it at night.

You gotme all riled up, and you are going to deny me?

A half hourlater she was showering after she had Skyped him. He had very naughty requests today. He wanted her to sit on the vanity with her knees up on the counter, so she was spread wide for him. He teased and seduced her with his words making her hold off until she was in a frenzy. Her clit had been so sensitive that as she washed, it still hurt a little.

Tim watched the texts and felt jealousy take hold of him. At the mention of phone sex he felt himself growing and his restrictive shorts became uncomfortable. He wished he could have seen her as she touched herself. He knew eventually he would see her do those things, but it would be for him. His sexual tastes bordered on the kinky. He was adventurous and had a large drawer of sex toys. His former wife thought he was a pervert for buying those things. He had yet to find a woman who had the same sexual appetite as he did. His last girlfriend broke up with him because he had become too demanding. He knew that Ava was sweet and naïve. He hoped under that gentle, shy southern exterior was a tiger in the sack.

As soon as his erection subsided, he continued writing and rewriting the emails. He had to get them just right and then he would deliver the one-two punch.

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