Page 58 of Ignite

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He knitted his eyebrows, “I don’t want you spending your money on me.”

“It’s a gift, Xander. Stop being difficult.”

He didn’t want to fight with her, so he agreed to let her take him shopping. He held her hand as he drove her back to Lidia and Brett’s home. The traffic was heavy at this time of the morning. It took them over forty minutes to drive the fifteen miles. He pulled up to a nice home not far from the beach. He led her to the front door and kissed her. Then he unlocked the door and took her inside. Lidia was in her wheelchair, and Brett sat at his desk in the corner of the living room. Lidia’s face brightened as she saw her brother and Ava enter the home. Ava went to her to hug her, and Xander introduced her to Brett.

“Ava, you’ve grown into a beautiful young woman. I haven’t seen you since you were a kid,” she managed to say through her wired jaw.

“Thank you. How are you feeling?”

“Much better. I can’t wait to get this thing off,” she said as she knocked on the cast that went from foot to thigh.

“Another week and the doctor said I might be able to get the wiring off my jaw. I’ve been craving a burger like you won’t believe. The only good thing is that it helped me knock off the ten pounds I had been trying to lose. It’s not the best way to lose weight, but I wasn’t given much of a choice.”

Ava sat down and talked with Lidia and Brett while Xander went around the house checking to see if anything needed to be done. When he was finished, he joined them in the living room.

“Ava wants to take me shopping for my birthday. You don’t think I need new clothes, do you?”

“Brother, those clothes are so old and ratty. You really should let her.”

Ava laughed. “We are going to hit all the trendy shops so he can have a decent wardrobe when he gets back to New York.”

“My clothes are fine just for hanging around. I don’t need much.”

Ava frowned at him. “You promised to let me take you shopping.”

He acquiesced because there was no way he was going to win an argument with both Lidia and Ava together. He kissed Lidia goodbye and said they would be back later. Ava wanted to go down to the beach. She didn’t bring a bathing suit with her, but she could buy one when they were out. Xander drove them into Los Angeles, and she made him take her to the fashion district.

They stopped in several shops, and he modeled clothing for her that he thought was way too expensive. In the end, they purchased several pairs of shorts, polo shirts, a couple of pairs of slacks and some underwear. She found an aqua blue bikini that he couldn’t wait to see her wear. They ate lunch at a small restaurant and then headed back to Lidia’s.

Both Brett and Lidia were napping when they entered the home, and they tiptoed past them. She followed Xander up to the master bedroom so they could change for the beach. He couldn’t resist fondling her breasts as she changed into her bikini.

“Stop that, or we will never get out of here,” she said as he pushed his lips away from her nipples. He scowled at her and changed into a pair of board shorts, which she learned was the LA term for the long swim trunks that surfers wore on their surfboards. No need for them in either New York or Georgia; she thought the low-riding shorts made his abs look great. Then he got towels, bottles of water and they took off to the beach a couple of blocks away. Even with his long t-shirt covering her body, Ava got plenty of looks. He didn’t seem to realize that he had his own set of gawkers.

They settled on their towels, and he slathered suntan lotion on Ava’s body, and she did his. He had been in California for several weeks and yet this was the first time he had been to the beach for anything but a run. As Ava lay on her towel soaking up some sun, he watched her through his sunglasses. She looked so sexy in the aqua blue that was offset by her ivory skin. Then he noticed it.

“Ava, where did you get that scar?”

She looked at him sheepishly, “I fell in the shower when I was sick and had to get a few stitches.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because I knew you would worry. It was bad enough that I was sick. I didn’t need you freaking out because I cut myself, too.”

He leaned over and kissed the scar, “You’re right. I would have freaked out.”

As the day progressed, Ava suggested they go back to Lidia’s and change. She was beginning to burn even with the suntan lotion. There, they showered and put on new outfits. Ava insisted that Xander wear some of the new clothing that they had bought. He wanted to have sex with her, but she thought it would be rude to do it in his sister’s house. She wasn’t sure she could keep from moaning as he made love to her. It would have been embarrassing if Lidia and Brett heard them.

They bid their farewells to them and went back to Ava’s hotel room. The sexual tension had been building all day, and it was unleashed the minute Xander pushed the door closed. She tugged at his belt and clawed at the zipper on his shorts. They never made it to the bed, the first time she straddled him on one of the chairs from the dining table. It was reminiscent of when she seduced him in his office several years back. She liked to take control sometimes, but she liked when he controlled her, too.

Later that night, she started to feel melancholy. Xander could sense the change in her mood and asked her what was wrong.

“I have to leave tomorrow morning.”

“I don’t want you to go, but it will only be a few more weeks, and I will be back. Then we can decide what we want to do.”

“What do you mean what we want to do?”

“I was thinking about it, and maybe we should get a place together.”

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