Page 57 of Ignite

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“I was only kidding. I hope when we are married you won’t give me a fight if we need to use that money for something. Maybe a vacation home of our own?”

“Ava, I don’t want you to spend that money on anything but yourself. That is your money for you to do whatever you want with it.”


“No. I don’t want to use your money. If we can’t afford it with our salaries, then we won’t buy it. I’m sorry, but if you’re my wife, I want to be the one to buy you what you need.”

“Lidia is right. You are a stubborn mule!”

That night, they both fell into a deep content sleep. In recent memory, Ava didn’t remember sleeping so well.

The next morning they ordered a big breakfast from room service but not before he made love to her. Xander had tried to seduce her again, but they were interrupted by the waiter knocking on the door. They lounged around eating, dressed in hotel-provided terry cloth robes. What was the point of getting dressed?

After breakfast, Xander pushed the cart out into the hallway and put the “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door. He had no intention of being interrupted by the maid. He made love to her again then she suggested they take a bath. She hadn’t had one with him for years, and she was looking forward to it. He made her wait while he prepared it for her.

The tub was brimming with so many bubbles that when they got in they were hidden from each other. Ava swam through them until she grasped onto Xander’s arm and he pulled her onto his lap. She leaned her back against his chest, and he wrapped her in his arms. He leaned close to her ear and told her that he wanted her for always.

He held her that way, and twenty minutes later the water in the tub had started to cool. Xander suggested that they take a shower to wash off the bubbles and then go back to bed. He said there was something he wanted to do to her that he had desperately missed. She had a feeling she knew what that was and despite the hot water of the shower, she felt chills. They dried each other off, and he worked on her hair with a separate towel until it was no longer dripping. She, in turn, worked on his.

“Have you decided if you are going to cut this?” She tugged at his long hair.

“I think so. My father is always complaining about it being too long. He was thrilled that I shaved my beard. Of course, he has no idea that I did it for you. I’ll decide when I get home. Would you rather talk about my hair or do something else?”

Silently, he led her to the bed and gently pushed her down, spreading her legs, he bent his head down to lick her. They spent most of Friday in bed, but it was more about the closeness than the sex.

On Saturday morning, Ava was up before Xander. She put on the robe and sat at the small table not far from the bed. She watched as he slept and wondered if this was how it would always be. She was on the beginnings of her new career, and finally with the man she loved. But somewhere in the back of her mind, something niggled at her. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but it scared her. Maybe it was because she was worried her bubble of bliss could all come crashing down. Until Xander was back in New York, she wouldn’t be able to let it go.

“Are you watching me sleep?” Xander said as he yawned widely.

“Yes. I’m allowed aren’t I?”

“I would prefer watching you sleep.”

“Then wake up before me and you can.”

“Maybe I would have if someone didn’t keep waking me up.”

Ava came to the bed and dove on top of him. He turned her over onto her back and pushed the top of the robe open to reveal one of her breasts. He kissed it and slipped his hand under the soft cloth to cup it.

“Do you want to do anything today? Lidia will love to see you if you don’t mind going over there.”

“Oh. I thought we were going to stay in today?”

“We can do anything you like.”

Ava didn’t want Lidia to think her rude especially since she had been injured. She hadn’t seen the woman in years and was a young girl the last time it was. It would make sense to see her since she would eventually be her sister-in- law.

“I would love to see Lidia and meet Brett.”

“I want to check on them. They would not intrude even if they needed something.”

They went about preparing for the day. Taking separate showers because taking one together meant another round of love making. If they did that, they might never leave. Xander dressed in a pair of shorts and a tank top that Ava had seen when she was with him in Saratoga.

“Can I take you clothes shopping after we leave Lidia’s?

“Why, this stuff is perfectly fine.”

Ava laughed. “This from a man that lived in designer clothing when he was in the city. You need some new clothes and I want to buy them for you as a birthday gift.”

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