Page 49 of Ignite

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They talked for awhile longer and then he hung up the phone to take a shower. As he soaped himself, he thought about what he had just done with Ava and his cock started to harden again. He stroked himself to another orgasm before he got out.

Ava hung up the phone excited by what she had just done with Xander. She wanted more. She wanted to touch him, look into his hazel eyes and smell him. They had talked about him telling his family about their relationship. She was positively bursting with the secret. Rachel had been so busy lately. Rigo was keeping a close eye on her now that she was pregnant. He didn’t want her overexerting herself. So Ava was not able to spend time with her. She wanted to tell Sam about her rekindled relationship with Xander, but she knew that she would blab to Robert. Then the whole family would know.

She was still worried about how certain members of her family would react to their relationship. She knew that Brooke and Jacob were still very angry about how Xander had just left after the accident. They called him a coward and maybe what he did was cowardly. But she could understand his feelings at the time. Xander had been right. She had told him to leave her before they crashed. She didn’t expect that he would have taken it so literally.

She got up from her bed, needing to change because she was having brunch with Tim. She somehow got the feeling that he was harboring hurt emotions from their breakup. However, they had only gone on two dates before she ended it. How attached could you get to someone in a week?

Soon Tim wouldn’t be available to hang out so much. He had to prepare for the school year. He would be busy after school, too, since he was a co-instructor for the robotics club. So she wanted to spend as much time with him as she could before she lost another companion to other activities.

She dressed in a pair of shorts and a tank top. The wound on her arm had healed nicely, and all she had was a light pink scar. The doctor had said that it would fade as time passed. She had never told Xander that part of what had happened to her because he had enough on his mind. When he came back to New York, she would let him know all that had been going on. Would he like Tim when he met him or would he be jealous?

Ava met Tim at a small café not far from his apartment in The Village. He kissed her cheek and hugged her tightly when she met him, a little too tightly for her taste. He released her, and they sat down. After the waitress had taken their orders, they made small talk. She told him that today was Xander’s birthday and she had sent him a few pictures for a present.

Tim felt a pang of hatred for the man. Why should Xander get her after the time he spent pursuing her last summer? He had laid the groundwork and hoped this summer he would get a chance, but she had rebuffed him. Then they spent a glorious two weeks together though she wouldn’t have sex with him. He had figured he would work on her when she got back from her trip to Saratoga. Then it all went to shit.

Ava had no idea that the things she spoke to Tim about Xander were ammunition for when it came time. Tim had carefully worked out a schedule of causing an end to their long-distance relationship. She had told him that Xander would be in California for possibly four months. He had already been there for two weeks. That gave Tim at least three months to put his plan in motion. He knew it would hurt her, but it was for the best. She belonged with him not with Xander, who had already torn her heart apart. When he was done, she would hate him forever, and Tim would be free to claim her as his own.

Ava chattered on about things going on at work. Tim told her another couple of weeks, and they wouldn’t be able to spend as much time together. He would be starting school activities to get ready for the new school year. She said that they would find time to spend together. That made him smile. He wanted her in his life, and right now he would take her as just a friend with the hopes of more later. She would turn to him for comfort soon enough.

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