Page 43 of Ignite

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I’m soglad to hear they made it through. Call me when you get the chance. I should be home within the next fifteen minutes.

As soon asshe got in the elevator, her phone started to ring. She pressed the speaker button. Xander did not wait for her to speak.

“Ava, I miss you. I’m sorry, but I need to be here for my family. I’m not sure when I will be back in New York.”

“Xander, how are they doing?”

“Lidia has a broken left leg and had surgery to put in a rod to stabilize it. She also broke her lower jaw and left hand. Brett has several breaks in the lower half of his right leg. He has a broken right forearm, several gashes that required stitches, and a concussion. They both will have a long recovery.”

“I’m so sorry. I wish I could be there.”

“I wish you could, too. On top of all that my mother collapsed when she saw how bad Lidia was and she was also admitted to the hospital. My father is taking a leave of absence from the firm until she is well enough to travel and Lidia is out of danger. Daniel and Mavis are here, and so is your father. He’s been polite, but I know he isn’t happy to see me. I’m afraid it isn’t going to be easy for us to tell him we are back together. I have to go; Suzanne just got here with her husband.”

“Don’t worry about my dad now. Just take care of everyone and keep me updated if you can. I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

They hadn’t thought getting back together through very well. It was one thing for Rachel to be accepting, but she knew that several of her family members were still angry at Xander. Jacob, Michael, her father and Brooke were still upset with him for what he did to her. They had wanted her to move on with her life without him, but that’s not what she chose to do. They blamed him for a lot of what had happened to her, and it wasn’t going to be easy for them to allow him back into her life. It made her angry to think about it because as an adult she shouldn’t have to beg her family to accept the man she loved.

Ava didn’t know what to do with herself. She wanted to talk to someone about her relationship with Xander, someone other than Rachel. Samantha was with Robert, so it was not the right time to call her. Brooke and Michael, who were older than her, would be worried about Lidia. When they were children, they spent a lot of time with the Wilders. Ava was too young to remember those times and wouldn’t even know Lidia if she passed her on the street. She couldn’t call either one of them. She would just have to hold onto the news until she got Sam alone.

So she could still be productive as well as makeup for not studying on the days she was with Xander, she took out the flashcards she had ordered for the bar exam and began quizzing herself. Even though it was only July and the test was not until February, she planned on drilling herself each week.

She had worked for a few hours including through her dinner, which consisted of a large salad. Her cell phone chirped, and she looked to see a text from Tim.

Feel up to running now?

I’m reallytired but how about tomorrow after work?

I could comeover if you want some company.

I’m probably goingto bed soon. I worked a full day today and spent the last few hours studying for the bar. I should be out of the office by four tomorrow. What time do you want to go for the run?

How about five? Will that give you enough time to get home and change? I can meet you in the park.

Perfect, I’ll meet you there. I’ll text if I’m going to be late.

Ava was surprisedthat Tim was taking their break up so well. She thought that he wouldn’t want to see her for awhile since she had only told him yesterday about Xander. She got ready for bed and set her clock for six. She wouldn’t need to get up earlier tomorrow since she was going to run in the evening with Tim.

The next morning Ava felt horrible. Her throat was sore, and she had the sniffles. She dragged herself out of bed and took a quick shower then made herself a cup of tea. She wasn’t surprised that she got a cold having barely slept at all when she was with Xander. She also didn’t eat very well because they were busy making love.

After her cup of tea, she fed the boys and shoved a bottle of wheat grass smoothie in her bag. She was hoping that it would help her feel better. The office was busy when she arrived just before eight. Victoria was not in her office, but the door was open, so she sat down to wait. When she came back, Ava was wiping her nose with a tissue.

“Don’t tell me you are sick?” Victoria said.

“I have a slight summer cold.”

“You need to go home then. My wedding is coming up, and I can’t afford to be sick. I just have too much to do. You did a lot of work yesterday, and it's Friday so take a sick day. I will see you Monday.”

Ava rose from the chair and left the office. She wasn’t put off by how Victoria had acted because after four years of working for the woman; she was used to it. She got her purse and rode the elevator to the main floor, starting to get chills, she hurried to the front doors to get out into the heat of mid-July. She hailed a cab because she didn’t feel like riding the subway. She felt miserable and just wanted to go home.

Her cell phonechirped just as she entered the cab with an incoming text from Xander.

Lidia is awake, and the doctor said she would need another surgery on her left leg. They are going to wait for her to regain some strength but should take her into the OR later this week. Brett is still unconscious, and they are not sure when he will wake up.

I’m soglad to hear that Lidia is doing better. How’s your Mom?

Mom is feeling betterand getting her IV for the Lyme. The doctor wants to keep her another day or two because her blood pressure has been very high. We are all going to stay at Lidia’s rather than a hotel. I had coffee with your father today. He talked to me about you. I wasn’t sure if he was trying to get us back together or keep us apart. Your father is hard to read sometimes.

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