Page 42 of Ignite

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Chapter 12

The driveback to Manhattan was harrowing. They hit patches of rain so heavy that they could barely see in front of them. Rachel was a good driver but drove so infrequently that she was inexperienced with this type of weather. Every so often, Ava would try to check the weather radar on her cell, but the signal was too weak. The phone kept fading in and out of service. She finally gave up and put the phone in her purse in the back seat. It was probably why she didn’t hear the incoming phone call.

As they drove southbound, the rain started to let up until it was a fine drizzle. They stopped halfway through the trip because Rachel had to use the bathroom. While Ava waited for her to get back, she checked her phone and was horrified by the voicemail that Xander had left more than an hour ago.

“Ava I haveto make this quick. I’m on my way to the airport in Albany. I received a call from my parents that Lidia and her fiancé were in a car accident in Los Angeles. I have to leave immediately. They are not sure that she is going to survive. I will contact you when I can. I love you.”

Ava felt horrible. She didn’t remember Lidia very well. She was several years older than Ava, and had moved to Los Angeles just after college. Rachel returned to the car and started to tell Ava that she had checked her phone. Her father had called and left her a message about Lidia Wilder’s accident.

“I know. Xander left me a message over an hour ago. He’s probably at the airport right now.”

“Rigo and I just saw Lidia and her fiancé, Brett, a couple of months ago. We had gone out there for a client. I hope the both of them survive.”

Rachel had a grim look on her face. Ava realized that maybe her uncle had revealed more about the accident than Xander did. They got back in the car and were silent for the rest of the way back. Ava wracked her brain trying to think of a memory she had of Lidia. She could only remember one, the day of her mother’s funeral. It was just before Lidia had left for California.

All the Wilder children looked alike, and Lidia was no exception. She had the same sandy-colored hair as Xander, but she had blue eyes. She had come over to Ava after the funeral and gave her condolences. Ava remembered that Xander had not been able to attend. He had been in Australia, which had been his parent’s graduation gift to him.

Her heart felt heavy as they entered the city. Rachel dropped her off at her apartment, and she lugged her suitcase into the lobby. She waved to Juan at the front desk as she entered the elevator. When she was in her apartment, she was greeted by her two furballs.

One of the plants in the entry had been tipped over, and dirt had been tracked into the living room. She rolled her suitcase into her bedroom sidestepping the dirt then cleaned up the mess with her vacuum. She had a pile of mail sitting on her counter that Gage had brought to her. She flipped through each envelope, and the last one was a card. She opened it, and it was from Tim.

She had almost forgotten him and hadn’t texted or called him while she was away. He sent her an email on Sunday that she had ignored. She was too caught up in Xander to worry about Tim. Now as she ripped open the card, she started to feel guilty. She would have to tell him that their relationship would need to be halted now that Xander was back in the picture. She could imagine the look of disappointment on his face. He had pursued her the past two summers since he met her at Camp Kids Afloat. She was sure he wouldn’t take what she had to tell him well.

The card he had sent was romantic causing her stomach to tighten. She felt apprehensive but decided that the best thing to do was call him immediately. She dialed his number and hoped he wouldn’t pick up, but he did. His voice sounded happy until she told him what had taken place over the past few days. Then the sound of disappointment carried through the phone.

However, the call had gone better than she expected. He was willing just to be friends with her and asked if she wanted to have dinner sometime in the next few days. She agreed and hung up feeling better than she had before the call. She thought it strange that a man that had pursued her each summer was so cordial about their break up but she put it out of her mind. She had more pressing issues with which to deal.

She dialed her father and Felice picked up the phone.

“Ava, so nice to hear from you.”

“Felice, I don’t mean to be rude but is my father available.”

“Yes, dear. Hold on.”

Her father came to the phone, and she let him know about Lidia Wilder. He wanted to fly to California to offer his support, but Ava had no details to give him. He said he would call Daniel, promised to call her later and quickly hung up.

Ava unpacked her bag and paced the floor of her apartment. She wanted to call Xander but it was a six-hour flight to California, and he would not answer anyway. Instead, she texted him.

I’m sosorry about Lidia. I hope things turn out okay. Please call or text me when you know anything. I love you.

She didn’t knowwhat else to do so she went to take a nap. The past few days she had gotten very little sleep and needed to catch up. She wouldn’t hear from anyone for awhile.

She was awakened three hours later by the chirping of her phone. She picked it up off the nightstand to see who it was. Xander had emailed her.

Lidia and Brettare both in surgery. They were involved in a five-car accident. Their car was smashed in between a tractor-trailer and a pickup truck. I’m still on the plane but was able to reach Lidia’s assistant. I should be landing in about two hours. I will update you when I have more information.

Ava feltsad for the Wilder’s. She imagined this is how her family must have felt when she had her accident four years ago. She was lucky to be alive. If she had been wearing her seatbelt, her injuries might have been less severe. She still had trouble using her seatbelt because she worried about being stuck in the car. Her mother had been hit by a drunk driver and became trapped by her seatbelt as the car burst into flames. She didn’t want that to happen to her.

She still felt exhausted and put her head down to rest her eyes. When she next awoke, it was well past midnight and she was still dressed in the clothing she had worn home from Saratoga. The cats were snuggled up next to her causing her to sweat in the summer heat.

In her haste to take a nap, she forgot to adjust the air conditioner setting, and it was uncomfortable in the room. She got up and changed into a t-shirt, adjusted the temperature setting on the air conditioner and got back into bed. Later today she had to work a full day, and she was sure Victoria had plenty for her to do.

Indeed, Ava’s first day back from her mini-vacation was rough. Victoria had several contracts she needed her to write. She also had to do many title searches and make a trip to the courthouse to file paperwork. By the time she finished those things, it was well after three o’clock, and she had missed lunch. To top it off she had forgotten her phone in her desk and was out of communication for a few hours. She hadn’t heard from Xander all day. Daniel and Mavis had flown to California to be with Peter and Gabby. The whole office was unusually quiet as news circulated about Lidia and her fiancé.

She was bursting to speak with Samantha about seeing Xander, but due to the circumstances, she thought it better to wait. On her way home from the office, she felt her cell phone vibrate, but the train was so crowded she couldn’t move to get it from her purse. As soon as she hit street level, she dug it out so she could see the text. Xander had finally contacted her.

Lidia and Brettboth made it through surgery. Now it’s a waiting game. The next twenty-four hours are crucial. Can I call you later? I need to hear your voice.

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