Page 40 of Ignite

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“Did I wake you up?”

“Yes, you did and how the hell can you not be tired after no sleep the last two nights?”

“I am, but I have plenty of energy still.”

“Honestly, I am exhausted. I need to sleep at least a couple of hours.”

“Do you want company?”

“If you lay down with me, we won’t sleep, and you know it.”

“I promise not to bother you. I could stand to take a nap, too. Then maybe I can take you around to see the sights.”

“I would rather walk around that little park I first saw you in.”

“I can take you there. It’s nice during the day. There are plenty of shaded areas to sit.”

“Let’s do that then.”

She patted the bed next to her, and Xander kicked off his boots and lay next to her. She laid her head on his chest, and they both feel asleep. Three hours later, Xander was the first one to wake up. Her perfume was in his nostrils. This was the way he would like to wake up with her every day.

He slid his body out from under her head trying but not succeeding to wake her. She sleepily looked at him.

“Where are you going?”

“I have to use the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”

“Put the seat down. This is a girl’s room.”

Ava turned her body to her side and snuggled her head into her pillow. When Xander came back, he spooned her, and they fell back to sleep. That was where Rachel found them when she arrived back at their room after 2:00 PM. She entered not expecting anyone in the room, but when she saw them on the bed, she tried to be as quiet as she could. It wasn’t quiet enough, and she woke Xander when she dropped her car keys.

“Hey, asshole. So you finally got it figured out?”

Xander gave her a wide smile as he turned to her. “Yes, we worked it all out. I’m coming back to the city as soon as I can straighten everything out here and there.”

Rachel’s eyes widened as she caught the full view of his face.

“Well, shit, you shaved that disgusting thing on your face. I guess Ava does have a good influence on you. That beard was just awful.”

“Thanks, Rachel. You do have a way with words. We are going out to dinner tonight. Would you like to join us?”

“No. I think you need to spend the last night with Ava before we leave. She has missed you so much.”

Ava began to stir beside him.

“Rachel?” Ava rolled over to look towards her cousin.

“I’m back from a very successful meeting.”

Ava sat up next to Xander and Rachel proceeded to tell them about her meeting with her client. It was her first celebrity Canadian client. She was sure that business would get busier after the publicity surrounding the woman’s wedding in a few months.

Xander asked Ava if she wanted to get some lunch. Regular meals had been put to the wayside since Sunday, and he was starving. They asked Rachel to join them, but she declined. She was exhausted from the drive and wanted to rest. They bid Rachel goodbye just as she got settled into her bed for a nap.

Xander grabbed Ava’s hand and kissed it as they walked to his truck.

“What do you feel like having to eat?”

“I don’t care about food right now. Take me back to your apartment and make love to me.”

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